Chapter 3:What?!

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(Y/N)=your name
(BFF/N)=best friend's name
"Hey (BFF/N) wassup?"I said while listening some of my favorite music,

"Hey,you know Cyclops and Lolita right?"

"Of course I do!"

"Well,they're gone.."

"What!What do you mean?"

"They're not in the game!"


"Sorry (Y/N) gotta go,see ya!"


I quickly log in to the game and saw that both of them are really gone!What the heck?That's impossible!!

"No no no no no no..this cannot be happening..I really like those characters"I said then I texted my friends about the two,they are ML players.

(Y/N):Hey guys do you know that Lolita and Cyclops are gone?

Yeah we do:ThatHandsomeDude

It's really saaaaad :,(:BTSFan

(Y/N):GTG guys bye!

"*sigh*I wish they're back..."


I quickly look at the direction were the sound is then my eyes''s them


To be continued

The World of Mobile Legends[✔Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora