Chapter 21

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Since i am going to be busy in the next few days, here is an update for you all 😅 enjoy?


I look back and saw Juns mother smiling at me

My mouth slightly ajar and my eyes blinking faster.

"Ah im sorry, mrs. Matsumoto but that cant be true' i said unsure

"But it is" she signal me to go "go on, greet your dad" she said laughing

I just nod and open the door. Does he? I thought to myself.

Once i walk out the backyard, i can see a man carrying Frio while talking to Jun. I closed the door and they both look at me

Jun smiled and signaled me to come near. I slowly walk towardd them as they face me, i can feel my face heating up because Juns father is intently staring at me

"Good afternoon Mr. Matsumoto. I am Mao Reid, mother of Frio" i bowed at him and when i look up

He hit Jun in the head "aish why is everyone hitting me today?!" Jun exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head

"Because you're one idiot boy" his father answer back

"How come? You know how smart i am!" He argue

"Oh please, if you are that smart then why leave this beautiful young lad?"

They bicker back and forth, Frio is getting confuse and i jusy giggle at the two boys.

But we are all startled when Nari screamed "Hanes! The meat!"

"Oh dear" juns dad said while putting Frio down

"Youre in big trouble dad" Jun just laugh as his dad walk towards her mom

His parents talk, well its more like mr matsumoto is being lectured by mrs Nari.

"So are you okay now?" Jun nudge me, Frio suddenly runs towards his grandparents. They stop arguing and showed Frio how to cook

"Yeah, im good" i sigh and look at him "how bout you? You keep getting hit" i gigle at him

"Im fine" he joined me "i deserve it anyways"

I stared at him. "Ah yeah… you deserve it" i jokingly said before looking back towards Frio, smiling every now and then because of his silly grandparents.

We stood there quitely watching the scene until Jun clears his throat making me look at him worried "are you alright?"

He just ignore my question and turn serious "Mao, i commited a very huge mistake. I know youve been through a lot and i am really sorry… i really am, but i want to take the risk. I know this is sudden but please… give me another chance" he breath deep "i regret everything that ive done Mao, now i know how important you are to me"

"I dont know Jun" does he deserve it? What if it happen again? Its not just me who will get hurt. Did he change? Can i trust him? Should i let him? What about Nate? There are so many thoughts running in my mind

"You know, whenever i think of the future… i always see you. You are always part of it" he add

"I dont want to get hurt again Jun" i said unsure, i can feel my eyes getting teary "if only you realize that much early, when times are different, when i am always ready to accept you" i wipe a tear that fell from my left eye, i breath in and out "maybe then i can easily forgive you…

But its different now Jun… im sorry too but i cant"

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