Chapter 14

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I sat on the sofa, sighing heavily. Frio is already asleep after playing nonstop with nate this morning and Jun late in the afternoon

Its winter break again and i need to find someone that can attend to Frio.

Everything is going fine, not that Jun and Nate see each other often. Atleast they learn to use their phone to know if the other party is in, they are practically boys in a grown body.

I grab my phone and scroll to look for a nanny but i was startled when my boss face pop on the screen "why is he calling me at these hour? Its almost midnight" i sigh and answered the call anyways

"Goodevening sir? How may i help you?" I asked

"Oh Mao, sorry to bother you these evening." I rolled my eyes but kept my mouth shut, i still dont want to upset the person who provides me money to buy food for my family, so i listen intently to him "i just want to inform you that you dont have to go to work tomorrow"

I stood, awake "what sir? Am i fired? You cant do this to me sir?! How am i…" i was cut off by his loud laugh, i just stood there frozen with my mouth slightly ajar

When he settled down, he continued "thats not what i mean Mao" thank goodness, i sigh, relieved

"Then why am i excuse for tomorrows work?"

"Well, someone requested for you. He wants you to be his personal photograph for his vacation or something, anyways you'll be coming with him this winter"

"Sir, i cant" i thought of Frio being left alone with just a nanny "i have to…" i was cut yet again by my boss

"Dont worry, he said he is willing for you to bring Frio. Its his winter break after all"

"I dont know about that sir" i trail

"Just say yes Mao, think of it as a vacation for you and your son"

"Can i know who this person sir?"

"You'll know tomorrow" he giggled, seriously?! "Just pack your things for the whole winter break and he'll pick you up tomorrow evening. So be ready and enjoy!"

I was going to reply but he already hanged up. I just sigh, i cant believe my boss, but atleast that good client is not against if i bring my kid along. "Oh shoot" i didnt even ask where we are going?! What am i supposed to bring?!

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