Christmas: Jesse/Barry

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Barry's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Jesse. "Hello?" "Barry, where are you?! You said you would take me Christ-mas shopping!" "Sorry Jesse, I forgot. I'll be there in about five seconds, bye." I flashed my clothes on and sped out the door to STAR labs.

I stopped just outside Jesse's room. I knocked. "I'll be right out." When she stepped out, my breath hitched. She wore a red dress that hugged her curves perfectly, she had her hair hanging loose, and I couldn't pull my eyes off of her. Stop thinking that way! She's Harry's daughter! He'll kill me if he finds out that I find her attractive. "Barry? Ready to go?" "Uh..." I swallowed. "...Yeah."

When we got to the mall, her hair was windblown. There was a strand of hair that I had to fight the urge to brush it out of her face.

After we were done Christmas shopping, we went to the food court. We sat at a table, Jesse was sitting to my right. "I'll get the food."

"How does your Earth not have Chinese food?" "I don't know." She smiled. "Hey, can I ask you a quest-ion?" "Shoot." "Why have you been staring at me all day?" I nearly choked on my food. "I... Uh..." It's now or never. "I umm... I have feelings for you." She just sat there, staring at me. "Look... Forget I said anythi-" "No... I just didn't know you felt the same way." My eyes widened and my jaw fell open.

All I could do is open and close my mouth. I couldn't think straight. "Barry, are you okay? You have been silent for like 5 minutes." "Uh... Yeah, just surprised." I don't know when I did it, but I kissed her. "Jesse?" The one voice I didn't want to hear asked. "Dad, hey." Jesse said after we pretty much jumped apart. "Allen, we will have a conversation later. It would be best for you if you go now." I stood up, grabbed my jacket, and walked away.

I sat in the Cortex, waiting for Harry and Jesse to get back. Jesse walked in and Harry cued me to step out.

The first thing Harry did was punch me in the jaw. "Gah!" I screamed in pain. "What was that for?!" "That was just a warning. If you hurt my little girl, I will kill you myself." "I'd never hurt her Harry. Even if I was whammied by Bivolo." "He's evil on this Earth too? Guess some things never change. But I'm serious Allen... Hurt her and it will be your final mistake." He walked to elevator after that.

"He punched you, didn't he?" "Does he do this to everyone of your boy-friends?" "Boy...Friend?" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that, it was just a kiss." She gave me a sad look and started to walk away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a heated kiss.

"I better not see this all the time Allen." "You won't... See it all the time." I whispered the last sentence to Jesse and she giggled. I whispered something else and she blushed.

I know it's not Snowbarry, but I'm trying to dabble in all sorts of ships. So there you have the first 'Quick'flash chapter in this book.

I will do a lot more of every ship I've listed. If you have a suggestion, don't be afraid to comment it.

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