The Troll: Year 1

Start from the beginning

"Yes, don't stop now! It's doing us so much good!" Ron added, giving her a shooing gesture. Hermione's jaw ticked, and she stomped back to the Great Hall.

She turned to follow her, before pausing and going back to face the two boys again.

"Was that necessary?" Amisty asked, taking a step forward.

"How can you stand her, Amisty? She's so bossy and a know-it-all," Harry replied, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Listen, I'm your friend, but I'm her's as well. She's not bossy she just wants what's best for her house. You two need to calm down, okay?" She met their gazes evenly, keeping her tone light.

A smile graced her lips as the two nodded guiltily.

"Thank you. And I want the full story on that broomstick tonight." She glanced at the package, and raced off to find Hermione.

Lessons flew by that day, and Amisty was struggling to finish her homework by the end of the day.

She was sitting in the common room alone, closing her DADA textbook as she waited impatiently for Harry to come down. Hermione had left an hour ago, too tired to bother with waiting for her to finish.

"You're still up?" His voice sounded from the boys dormitory staircase, which she turned to with a smile.

"You thought I would let you go without telling me?" She shot back, sticking her tongue out at him.

"I guess I should've expected it," He grinned, walking down the stairs to sit next to her.

She scooted to the side so he could have more room, dropping her head onto her hands.

"Well?" She asked when he hadn't started, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know what to start with," He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

She laughed, shaking her head, "How about this morning?"

"Professor McGonagall sent me my broomstick for Quidditch. That's what was in the package. You should've seen Draco's face when he saw it!" Harry grinned brightly, his green eyes glowing.

"Oh, he must've been furious!" Amisty exclaimed, happy laughter bubbling up in her chest.

"Believe me, he was. Even told Professor Flitwick that it was all thanks to him," He continued, earning a proper laugh from her.

"You're kidding! He's probably out for your blood!" She covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a yawn and muffle her voice.

"Like he wasn't already," He countered, rolling his eyes. "And if you're tired go to sleep, you've been down here for hours."

"But I haven't talked to you for weeks," She protested.

"Then let's make this a daily thing. We can catch up without Hermione and Ron at each other's throats," He grinned, getting up. "Go to bed."

"Fine. I'm holding you to this, though," She smiled, rubbing her eyes and heading towards the girl's dormitories. "Goodnight, Harry!"

"Night, Amisty,"


When Amisty woke up she broke into a grin.

The smell of pumpkins wafted through the air, bringing images of bright orange pies into Amisty's head.

She was even more excited when Professor Flitwick told the class they would start learning how to make things fly around the room.

Amisty was paired with Lavender Brown, and Hermione, who wasn't happy at all about it, was paired with Ron.

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