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veronica.lodge to cherylbombshell

veronica.lodge: hey, you up?

cherylbombshell: oh my god ronnie did you just send the hey you up text at 1 am i didn't know you were such a fuckboy

veronica.lodge: oh mY GOD NO

veronica.lodge: i just wanna talk

cherylbombshell: oh no, "talk"

cherylbombshell: that's usually not good news

veronica.lodge: oh no it's nothing like that i swear

veronica.lodge: i just need to talk to you about something, but nothing bad i hope

cherylbombshell: oh okay, you need me to call you?

veronica.lodge: no if i hear your voice i'm gonna chicken out and i'm not gonna say it

veronica.lodge: okay so,,, i was talking to the squad in the gc and they were teasing me about you and anyway they brought something to my attention

veronica.lodge: i guess i'm feeling a lil nervous now bc i'm wondering what you're expecting from me

cherylbombshell: oh no is this where you tell me you're not really looking for anything serious

veronica.lodge: no

veronica.lodge: i need you to not assume that you know what i'm going to say ever again

veronica.lodge: i meant like,,, uh,,, sexually?

veronica.lodge: and it's not that i don't WANT you that way it's that i don't think i'm ready for anything like that right now bc of what sex has been for me before

cherylbombshell: ???

veronica.lodge: okay so like,,, i've never really uh,,, done that with anyone that i cared about, just with flings or hookups and usually just to cement my place at the top of the social pyramid and you're different and i don't want my brain to lump you in with the rest of them and yeah

cherylbombshell: veronica

cherylbombshell: i don't care that you don't want to sleep together right now

cherylbombshell: that's completely fine, no pressure

veronica.lodge: are you sure???

cherylbombshell: while it is a shame that we are both super hot and won't be scissor sisters anytime soon

cherylbombshell: we have plenty of time to figure everything out, okay babe?

veronica.lodge: okay okay, phew

veronica.lodge: and "babe"? i like that ;)

cherylbombshell: omg the more i text you the more that i see how much of a fuckboy you are

veronica.lodge: heY

cherylbombshell: also, i've been meaning to ask you, who have you told about us?

veronica.lodge: uh, betty, archie, jughead, and kevin

veronica.lodge: why

cherylbombshell: bc i'm not out and

cherylbombshell: it's okay that they know i don't expect you to hide from them but uh

cherylbombshell: try not to tell too many more people

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