Author's Note

205 7 4

Hello, everyone! I just wanted to check in real quick with you guys.

First of all, I want to apologize. I know that this has not been my best work. I've been extremely busy, and haven't devoted the time that I normally would to this story. However, I hope that you still enjoyed it.

Secondly, I have two, possibly three, main things that you can expect to be heading your way. The first one is more oneshots. I plan to have a total of twenty chapters in A Day In the Life. Once I finish that up, I will probably start a new book of oneshots. (I still don't know the name, so if anyone has any ideas, send them my way!) The second thing will be another long story, kinda like Under New Management. This story is still in the very early stages of development, and will probably take a lot more time before it's ready, but I'm still super excited about it.

The last thing that might be headed your way is a book that kinda backs up this one. I would really love to write a story about Alex's backstory. I think it has a lot of potential, and I would really enjoy writing it. I felt like I connected with Alex and Emily a lot, especially considering the fact that they are not canon. However, if you guys don't really have any interest in that, I won't bother. If some of you could let me know what you think about that idea, that would be great!

Again, thank you for all of the votes, comments, and love that you have all been sending me! I love doing this!



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