Chapter 5

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"Anything?" One of the agents asked as they unloaded their gear.

Gru merely shook his head.

They had been out all day, checking each possible location, but to no avail. They were now stopping in to re-fuel their ship, and unload their old gear for new ones.

"Any news while we were gone?" Lucy asked the agents who were taking their gear from them.

Before the agent could answer, another agent burst through the door.

"Agents Gru and Lucy!" She said, gasping for breath. "The director needs you, quickly!"

They took off running after the agent, wondering what this was about. Did they have new coordinates for them to investigate? They still had half of their list that they hadn't checked off yet.

They reached the largest room, where most of the briefing was held, and saw Valerie standing there, with Emily.

"Emily?" Lucy asked. "What are you doing here? Where are the girls?"

Emily looked up at them, with tears in her eyes, and Lucy grabbed Gru's hand.

"No." He whispered.

"We were attacked, yesterday morning. I got them here, just in time," she said, through her tears. "We brought them to a safe house, but they were intercepted. They're gone."

"Intercepted?" He asked. "When? By whom?"

"Yesterday afternoon." Valerie stepped in. "We suspect the Troublemaker."

Gru gripped Lucy's hand harder. He could feel her shaking.

"They might still be alive." Valerie continued, trying to console the worried parents.

"Where were they last spotted?" Lucy asked.

"The car that was located in their safe house has a tracker, and we've been tracking its movements. We suspect that it was hijacked by the enemy." Valerie stated.

"Can you upload the car's coordinates to our ship?" Gru asked Emily. She nodded.

"Wait, you're not going after him." Valerie said.

"Our daughters are in the hands of the enemy. We won't abandon them." Gru said, firmly.

"You do understand that the Troublemaker is probably planning to use them against you two, right?" Valerie asked.

"We do." Lucy said. "We're still not giving up."

"Fine." Valerie gave in.

The two of them strode towards the door, preparing themselves to jump into action.

"Oh, and agents," she said, stopping them. "The best of luck to all of you."

"Thank you." Lucy said. Both of them felt truly touched by their director's last statement. They didn't think they'd ever seen this softer side of her before.

They both climbed aboard their ship, again. It wasn't all the way fueled, but time was of the essence, so they didn't care.

"Look, Emily's already sent us the coordinates." Gru said. "They're still moving. Autopilot, follow these coordinates."

"Yes, sir." The voice replied, and their ship took off.

There was a seat for both agents on the ship, but when Gru sat down, Lucy just climbed onto his lap, and snuggled into him. He could still feel her shaking.

"Hey," he said. "We'll find them."

"Do you think Valerie's right? Is he just keeping them to use them against us?" She asked.

"I do." He said. "But, that actually gives me some hope."

She looked at him quizzically.

"It means, they probably still alive." He said.

A New Type of AgentsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon