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Lucy looked out at the backyard. Three girls running around with one boy. Playing without a care in the world. It was a beautiful sight.

She looked to her left, where her best friend was sitting next to her, watching her newly adopted son. The mixture of pride and happiness on her face filled Lucy with warmth.

"They're growing up so fast." Emily whispered.

Lucy nodded in agreement.

"You know, Valerie asked if Gru and I would let them join the AVL." Lucy said. "A New Kind of Agents, she called them. She thinks that they could be useful on cases that adults just can't crack."

"Are you guys going to let them?" Emily asked, intrigued.

"Not yet." Lucy said. "Someday, maybe, but for now,"

She looked out onto the yard again.

"They're still kids. Let's allow them to be kids for a little while longer. After, you said it yourself,"

Emily smiled a knowing smile.

"They're growing up so fast."

A New Type of AgentsWhere stories live. Discover now