Chapter Seventeen- Backstory

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I was cold. So... cold. I couldn't open my eyes. I could tell that I was no longer on the ground; I was upright. Encased in... something. I didn't know what. But what I did know, was that I was tired. So sleepy.

"I think, I'll take a nap. I'm quite comfy, here in this... shell, I'll call it," I thought. I fell into a deep sleep, ignoring the voice that was calling for me...


A long time ago, dragons ruled the land. One day, a dragon named Acnologia came to the great Dragon Council. He warned them of a great evil that was to come that no dragon, no god, and no demon would be able to defeat. Then, he disappeared. The Dragon Council came together for a special meeting to discuss this warning.

"Can we even take his warning seriously?" asked Venos, the Poison Dragon.

"We can't take the risk of not taking it seriously," argued Metalicana, the Metal Dragon.

"So you'll trust that traitors' word!?" yelled Flash, the Lightning Dragon.

The leaders argued amongst themselves until the youngest dragon, Aquamarine the Water Dragon, spoke to Veradeen, the Earth Dragon.

"Everyone! Please be quiet! Aquamarine has an idea," she said. They all quieted. Aquamarine shook in her seat, not liking the attention she was getting.

"W-Well, I just thought that maybe, we, uh, c-could make something that could defeat this great evil o-once this prophecy comes true. I-If it comes true! I mean... A-And it won't bring anyone any harm even if what Acnologia said is not true," she stuttered. Veradeen comforted her while the other dragons mulled it over.

"Maybe, it's not such a bad idea," commented Weisslogia, the Light Dragon.

"Yes. But what would we make?" asked Skiadrum, the Dark Dragon.

"A human," stated Grandeeny, the Air Dragon and the oldest of those on the council.

"If we combine our powers into one human, it will inherit our abilities. We will be able to teach it to use those powers for good," agreed Igneel, the Fire Dragon, and leader of the council.

Everyone looked at Timetella, the Time Dragon, the only one who hasn't spoken. Her eyes were closed, concentrating. Finally, she spoke.

"This human will save the world."

With that, the dragons went to work. Veradeen made the body out of vines and dirt and made it flesh. Grandeeny gave it lungs and a nose to breathe. Aquamarine gave it blood and a stomach. Metalicana made its skin hard enough to contain the blood. Venos gave her a mouth to spit awesome comebacks. Weisslogia gave her eyes. Flash gave her speed. Skiadrum gave her dark hair. Igneel gave her the fire that was her soul. Finally, she was finished. Now, she needed one more thing. Timetella walked up to the baby, her claws clicking on the stone floor.

"I shall give you the wisdom to make it through this life, so you can fulfill your destiny." She nuzzled the baby's forehead, and it awoke, now that it had a brain.

The baby grew up with the dragons, knowing nothing else but them and magic. She would train with fake battles against her parents and spend her free time learning basic things, like counting and how to read. Then, her tenth birthday came. It was a big day for everybody. The dragons invited all of their friends: The Zodiacs; the Mer-Kings and
Mer-Queens from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; and the King and Queen of the Fairy Kingdom.

Every person there bestowed the girl a gift. One of them was the ability to turn into a mermaid. She was also bestowed the ability to become a fairy. Accuracy, style, strength, and the ability to talk to animals were some of the other gifts given to her.

After the party, the girl ran out into the fields by herself, wanting to practice her new skills alone. It was then that she found out that she wasn't the only one of her kind.

Acnologia not only warned the dragons, but also the gods who lived in the heavens and the demons who lived in the underworld. They came to the same conclusion and did the same thing as the dragons. The Demon Council finished their creation just minutes before the Dragon Council, and the God Council finished seconds after dragons.

The three girls looked at each other in wonder.

"Is today your birthday?" asked the red-head with green eyes.

"Yeah! We just had a big party with so many people and they all gave me gifts!" exclaimed the brunette with brown eyes.

"I-It's my birthday too," smiled the blonde with blue eyes. The three girls sat together and talked for a while. Coincidentally, the three councils found their missing offspring at the same time. Silence. Then...

"I guess we have to say goodbye, hunh?" said the red-head.

"Yes, it would seem so," replied the blonde.

"Then c'mon! Let's mark our meeting by holding hands!" exclaimed the brunette as she grabbed each of their hands. As soon as the circle connected, the girls lit up.

"What's going on?" asked Grandeeny, worried.

"We don't know!" retorted the air demon.

"We don't either, but it doesn't seem to be hurting them," pointed out the lightning god. They all looked down at the girls, who had closed their eyes and were laughing. Finally, the light diminished and the girls opened their eyes. Quickly, Igneel grabbed the brunette, the poison god grabbed the blonde, and the light demon grabbed the red-head.

"We must not let them meet again. Who knows what could happen," said the fire demon.

"We agree," said the water god.

"Fine. We shall uphold this as well," conceded Veradeen. They all nodded their heads and went their separate ways. When the brunette was taken back home, she was given a thorough examination by Grandeeny.

"She seems fine. The only thing that changed was her eye color. Now, she has blue ones," she reported.

"The others must've had their eye colors change as well. It doesn't matter. It is minor. Let's just focus on getting her ready for tomorrow," said Igneel. Grandeeny nodded and picked up the girl to take her to bed.

The next day, the girl was given a pack full of food, clothes, and an assortment of items.

"It's time for you to see the world," said Venos.

"Just don't mess it up in the process!" barked Flash. She smiled and the girl giggled.

" 'Kay!" she said. She looked over at Aquamarine, who was sobbing rivers.

"Don't cry, momma Aqua! You'll make ME cry!" She ran over to her, but never made it. They all just, disappeared. The girl looked around in surprise. She called for her parents, but nothing worked. She ran in circles trying to find them, but it was no game. They were gone.

For the next four years, she searched for the dragons. She traversed all over the world, but to no avail. Eventually, she turned to money and survival after she experienced a tragic event. She wandered, looking for different odd jobs so she could get her next meal. She was still kind, smart, and considerate to everyone she met, even in her depressed state.

She was Katara Dragoness.


Tears were streaming down my face. Wait, tears!? I open my eyes quickly and take in a deep breath as I fall to the floor on my hands and knees, coughing, trying to regain my memories.

"What is... happening...?" I wonder. I shake my head, looking at the floor. Then I hear his voice.

"Hey Kitty. Missed ya."

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