"What," I ask, feeling bad for getting mad at him now.

"Really," Calum asked, who came out of my room to watch.

"Who told you," Luke asked, coming out of his room to see what the commotion was too. Michael was at the bottom of the stairs, watching while eating his cereal.

"Management. We have some people to meet down there tomorrow so we are going down there today," Michael explained with a mouthful of food.

"Cool," Cal and Luke beamed at each other and ran into their own rooms like little kids. Michael went back into the kitchen to leave me and Ash alone once more.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"No. I'm sorry, he said, encasing me in a hug. "I didn't want to stop you from spending time with Cal. I just was excited to tell you."

"I'm excited too and Cal and I have plenty of time later. I-- you're great," I told him, placing a quick kiss on his nose, and had a quick feeling as if I could have said I love you in that moment.

"You're great too. Now let's get packing," he smiled, then we went into our rooms. I packed some clothes and then Ashton told me to pack my togs since we were going to be close to the beach. I stuffed that in my bag and then changed into my black jeans and one of the tee shirts I "borrowed" from Ash. Around lunch, we all finished packing and then headed into the car for San Diego. The drive was long and I insisted that I go in the front mostly because Ashton begged to drive and I knew the boys would fall asleep. After the first half hour. Throughout the two hour trip, Ashton and I turned on some of my music and then some of his. We talked about little nothings and played car ride games. When all the boys were asleep, it felt more like a road trip together, hand in hand. The two hours were over and I just wanted desperately to go out and do something. Not anything special, just something. After we checked into the hotel, Ashton and Calum decided to get tickets for the famous San Diego Zoo. We then hoped back in the car to get there at three-ish. We tried to rush as fast as possible so that we could fit in as much as we could before it closed. We grabbed a map and went straight for the "Urban Jungle" area which was basically giraffes, hippos, lemurs, bears, and your basic Jungle Book characters. Next, we passed by the "Outbacks" which made us feel right at home and one of the workers even recognised our accents and asked where we were from. After we went through the "African Rocks", it was getting close to closing time and we were getting hungry so we stopped at the Sabertooth Grill and got some hamburgers for the first time in weeks. I was really happy. When I looked at the map over dinner, Michael told me that we could only go one more section and that I should decide. I went for the "Northern Frontier" since I loved the snow. We finished our lunches and went right over there. My favourite animal was the arctic fox so I asked Michael if I could buy a stuffed one really quick. He allowed Ashton to take me to the gift shop on the way out. I picked out my stuffed white fox and paid for it just before the park closed. We went back to the hotel with smiles on our faces and cute animals in our minds.

"I just love animals so much," Cal said, squishing his cheeks together in glee.

"Me too. I want to own every kind on earth," I told him.

"Hey, Cal. You up for some GTA," Michael asked, after Cal answered his knock on the door.

"Yep. I have it all hooked up," Cal smiled and let Michael in his room.

"You going to play, Payson," Michael asked, but I shook my head no.

"I think I'm going to get some extra shut eye in the other room but you too have fun, okay?" I walked out of the room and they didn't even answer as they were too caught up in their game already. I knocked on Luke and Ashton's room and when Ashton opened the door, Luke was already in bed asleep. I climbed into bed with Ashton, my fox between us.

"So, what are you going to name it?"

"I don't know. What do you think I should name it?"

"Hm, Charles? Sebastian? Snow," he offered with a chuckle.

"You are the worst at coming up with names.

"Yeah. You pick then," he smiled at me and then I scanned the arctic fox. What should I name him?

"Frosty Alex Irwin," I decided.

"Okay. I get Frosty and I like it, but why Alex?"

"Like Alex Turner in Arctic Monkeys."

"Don't tell me you like him too?"

"Oh. Without a doubt," I smiled, laughing a bit at his expression.

"Wow. Okay, and why did you use Irwin as the last name. Why not Clifford?"

"Because that's what couples do. They use the guy's last name," I explained calmly, squeezing Frosty.

"That's sweet. He's like our little baby," he cooed, kissing Frosty on his furry forehead."So, did Michael tell you what we are doing tomorrow?"

"No, what are we doing, muffin," I enquired of him.

"We're going to the beach," he said with a huge, cheeky grin on his face.

"Well then I can't wait."

"I was thinking we could sneak off for a little walk. What do you say?"

"I'd be honoured," I smiled and he pulled me and Frosty closer. He wrapped his arm around me and we sat there another night until five when he went over into Luke's bed for the last few hours of sleep. I can't believe this is my life right now; it's so perfect.

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