Twenty Six

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Harry was at the bar with a few friends of his having some drinks,they had just finished a game of bowling where he'd ended up at the bottom of the group. He was usually really good at the game but his mind had been pre occupied resulting in him playing poorly and the guys were not letting him hear the last of it.

“His mind is on his new boyfriend.” Luke said “He’s probably scared some other guy downstairs is chatting him up as we speak. ”

Harry had to laugh “Youre not serious.” He told his friend
“Can’t a guy have some off days?”

“Off days, you? No way!” Prince shook his head “You are always on your game, I agree with Luke, it’s that fine lad that is on your mind, that’s why you can’t concentrate. ”

“Guys let him be,” Dean came to his defence “what if his mind is on his boyfriend? It’s allowed, the guy is way too pretty! you are really the boss, isn’t he the one you came to Liam’s party with?”

“Yeah.” Prince said “Claiming you guys were not together, you were lying to us.”

“But we were not together then.” Harry defended


“I would have chatted up the lad if not for Zayn, he told guys to back off, the guy is such an a’ss. He can pick a fight just because of a lad, not worth it please.” Dean was saying.

“I wonder what happened between them that night , did he blow him off?.” Prince said and they all turned to Harry as if he knew something.

“Hey, don’t look at me, I don’t know what happened between them but I do know they aren’t overly fond of each other,” He really had no idea what had transpired between them that night but ever since Zayn never missed a chance to discourage him from the relationship “he probably blew him off.” He concluded.

“ And went for the boss.” Dean finished.

Harry laughed, his friends called him the boss because he was the only one of them all who actually ran his family’s business, they all still worked under their fathers. They’d all been friends from childhood since their parents were family friends.

He’d introduced Louis to them earlier in the evening and they’d seemed to have taken a liking to him. Why wouldn’t they anyway? He was hot and that was the only requirement they needed.

“Liam has been scarce though, where is he?” Harry was asking the guys noticing he’d hardly seen him all evening.

The guys looked at each other in a strange way before Luke spoke up “ummm, possibly enjoying himself downstairs with some chicks at the poolside. ”

“What was that look you all gave one another?” He asked them knowing there was something they weren’t telling him.

“Look?” Luke frowned forming confused.

“What look?” Dean asked

They were such awful actors and he knew there was something they were keeping from him, he was about replying them when he spotted Vicki approaching them. His short dark hair parked behind in a tight no nonsense pony tail. He wasn’t smiling either, was he still smarting from their last meeting?

“ Hi Harry.” he said pointedly ignoring the other guys.

“Hi Victor.” Harry returned, he was obviously angry. “care for a drink?”

“I want to talk to you.” he said and then walked off to it down.
Okay then, if he wanted it this way, fine. Excusing himself from the guys he went to join him, seating down opposite him.

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