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Palak was still, her mouth was open in shock. She was stunned by the news.
"I really can't believe this....I can't... rahul is the attacker." Palak exclaimed.

"Sakha told that he did something wrong which resulted his death...but...I can't even dreamt that he was my attacker"

"But when have you saw that tattoo? He used to wear long sleeve shirt so that it could not be seen" she asked while narrowing her eyebrows as rahul used to cover the tattoo area by wearing those shirts whose sleeves were long enough to cover that.

"Actually, the day when I and rahul together were coming to your's, at that time he was bit by spider or some insect on that area and in pain he just pulled up his sleeve reveling that tattoo and little swelling"

"Oh!.. Anyways....forget it, forget this thing and forget him. He murdered all those people. He murdered Priyanka. He only earn sins from this. Just forget it. We have to work on your assignment it's very less time now."
Vrinda told in blend of clam and anger.

"Yeah... you are right. Here is my file and all the supplies we need" palak took out all the things needed from her bag and they started doing work. Vrinda stood up and headed towards the window. She lift the curtains away from the window and opened that to give an access to fresh air of morning.

"Is that Madhav's balcony?" palak asked as she saw Madhav's house from window.
Vrinda nodded after turning her head slightly in palak's direction. She turned her head back to take a good look of the morning view.

"The lights are ON. He use to wake up early!!" Palak astonished as she thought the males couldn't wake up early by himself.
Vrinda chuckled and again turned her head in palak's direction. "Actually, he woke up due to my counch sound" she justified making both of their chuckles filled in a silent environment. She turned her head back and smiled. Palak saw the smile and felt jealous as Madhav was the only one in vrinda's neighbor with whom she talk & laugh and how close they came in only less time.

"If you have done, then please come and help me" Palak said normally

Vrinda turned her head slightly again to nod and then she made her way to palak. She set down beside her and they started working.


"I can't believe that you have finished my work in this less time...thank youuuuu" palak embraced vrinda as they was heading for the school making there way to palak's Scotty.

"I haven't done anything, I've just helped you out and it's not a first time" palak pulled herself back from hug and turned her face around.

"Ok! If that's the thing, than I am taking the thank you back and yes..." Palak said not watching vrinda who was lip sync her dialogue and stopped as palak turned to her at the last word.

She turned her face around in previous position and said

"My precious hug" palak hugged herself. Vrinda lipsed that again and imitated her actions

"Copy cat! Don't copy my actions" palak told in mocking anger before she turned around.

"And please don't ask me how do I know without watching you. I am your BEST FRIEND, remember?!" She concluded.

They both giggled.
"Let's go" vrinda said while smiling but another  second her feelings changed.

She felt something again. Again the feeling which she was feeling regularly. She halted on her tracks.

"What happen? Are you ok?" Palak asked with concern as she found vrinda not coming.

"Yeah....I am ok" she assured. Palak smiled in disbelief but didn't push further to not make her bestie uncomfortable which made a sigh left her mouth while they both started walking.

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