Chapter 22: Promises

Start from the beginning

Ezra was gobsmacked-- truly, utterly shocked to his core.

His son had much more perception than what he had been given credit to. Ezra obviously underestimated him. One look at those green eyes, Ezra saw a smart, smart boy. He had a heart of gold, and he was loved by everyone he gets to know with.

"I am insulted, just so you know," Alec says as he sits up, "but I understand. You were just like me. I was afraid everyone would leave me, too, when I had known I had cancer. But you showed me that I was wrong."

Alec looked mature, saying these things, but then again, Ezra was a witness to the boy's intelligence and sensibility.

"You are a man of ironies, aren't you, Dad?" The boy says with a wry smile, "You tell me that I'm not alone in this, but there you are, having these doubts about everything."

"I'll never leave you," the boy assures, his voice soft and humming, laced thick with emotion. "And I stand by my word. Shall we call Dr. Cazalon in?"

And just like that. Ezra and Alec consulted with Dr. Cazalon regarding Ezra's 'disability'. Alec was assured that Ezra could and would have his legs' strength back, if he would undergo under a physiotherapy. All Ezra wanted was to go back home and hold his son. Ezra said he would considered about it and inform the doctor as soon as he came to a decision.

The doctor agreed and said that they need to do a final check on Hunter then they're free to go.


Hunter took a deep breathe as the doctor checked him. The doctor told him to take things gently. Thoughts attacked his mind. He could see his father's eyes filled with hopelessness. The man expected him to leave.

'Never, Hunter. Never. I'll never leave you.'

That's what his Dad said to him when he asked the man to not leave him. Surely, he doesn't expect Hunter to be ungrateful and abandon his father just because he's disable. Hunter is determined to help his father no matter what. After all, they're in this together.

He put on his clothes. He checked his phone to see messages from Jesse and Andrew. He smiled thinking about those two. Both of them reminded him so much about Hermione and Ron. He looked around and was happy to leave the place. He walked out of the hospital room and stuffed his phone into his pocket.

Hunter knew it wasn't going to be easy. Severus Snape was an independent man. He hated asking for help. It took a lot of convincing for the man to agree with the idea of physiotherapy. Alas, he said he would like to consider before agreeing.

He walked into his father's room to see the man all ready. Although, the man was grimacing on the chair, a look of disdain on his face, clearly uncomfortable with the fact that he was treated and was fussed over by the nurses. Cazalon was there, holding a stethoscope over Snape's chest.

"All set now, Hunter?" It was Alice, the nurse who took care of him since his admission. Hunter nodded with vigor. He was more than relieved to be able to go home and maybe start school again, with Jesse and Andrew.

"So is your Dad, I believe," Doctor Cazalon says, patting his shoulder. "I'll see you soon, Hunter. And you to as well, I believe, Mister Hartford. Do think of what we have talked about." He smiled knowingly as Ezra answered with a scoff.

A man who acted like a porter hailed a cab for them and they helped both of them on. Doctor Cazalon had Alice and two other nurses to aid them getting off since Hunter can't manage still. His wrist and rib area were still bandaged tightly and neatly and the nurses gave him additional bandages as well.


"Home Sweet Home!" Hunter exclaimed, kissing the floor.

"Get your lips off the floor and wash them, Alec. That is unsanitary," Ezra reprimanded his son. When Hunter didn't move but instead laid on the carpet, he scowled even more. "Get up. Do as I say, Alec. Be careful of your body. Do not bump on the--" Ezra winced as his son did bumped on the coffee table, "Dear Lord, you are a walking disaster."

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