Shannon smothered her children with parting hugs and kisses, and even Will could not escape her motherly affections.

Will wiped his cheek, fairly diving for cover into the canoe. His face glowed crimson.

Teig subdued his wife long enough for Calen to assist Maggie and Katrina aboard and then he caught his son in a firm hand shake. "Look after our girls. Bring them all home safely."

Calen glimpsed a hint of something in his Da's face, but Shannon latched onto him, again forcing his attention to turn to detangling himself from her grasp. When he got free, he plunged into the water, forcing the canoe into the current and then pulled himself into his position at the stern.

They spared one last glance back towards the house to wave goodbye, and then they began their journey in earnest.


Micara was in the gold sitting room with yet another of her aunt's books when Gladys swept in. "There you are, ma chérie, come with me."

Gladys took Micara's hand and led her through the hallway to the large parlour at the rear of the house. All of the furniture had been moved out and the windows and doors to the garden terrace were wide open.

"They've come," Gladys informed her cheerily. She took a box off of a small table near the door, one of the only pieces of furniture in the room, and withdrew a stiff paper from it. She handed it to her niece, her eyes dancing with excitement.

Micara read the decorative writing an understanding dawned on her. "You are giving a party?"

Gladys nodded gleefully and took the invitation away from Micara. "It is high time Trento society be introduced to my niece."

Micara fought the grimace that threatened to leap to her face and forced a smile. It was on the tip of her tongue to decline, to say anything to avoid the forced merriment of such a spectacle and be free to carry out her evenings in poorly concealed despair. It was the sparkle in her aunt's  eyes that made her fake an excited. "Oh my, how wonderful."

Aunt Gladys beamed a smile. "Of course you will help with the planning, Everything should be just the way you want it, as it will be in your honour."

She took Micara's hand once again, pulling her this time towards the dining room whilst she rattled off a list of decisions yet to be made.

Micara was, by anyone's standards, an expert in social extravaganzas, both hosting, and attending. She had been present at every social function worth mentioning in Dryden in the past three years, and had also spent a summer weaving through the most refined circles in France. The last thing she wanted now was a ballroom full of her aunt's polished friends scrutinizing her every move and making her feel even more alone in an already lonely city. Nevertheless, her aunt was excited and looking for her help. Micara would not let her down. She let herself be towed to the table to inspect the china, and then accepted a cup of tea whilst Gladys spread out the lists of details for the to discuss.


Micara tossed the pair of napkins down on the silver tea tray. Her latest decision for the gala two days from now, white or eggshell? She was beginning to feel as though Gladys was making the party planning as intentionally difficult as possible. Micara had been able to think of practically nothing else since she had been recruited, and not by her choice. Her aunt was always there, getting her opinion on every minuscule detail. Including the colour of the napkins. Gladys was going to extremes for the gala. She had bedecked the house in all manner of tasteful decorations, and she and Micara had both been entirely out fitted in new gowns and accessories several days ago. Micara hated to admit it, but twirling in her new dress had given her an actual spark of excitement for the party. She had practiced the steps to her favourite minuet in her new slippers last night, and was eager to set the dance to music. She was excited, even if it just meant an end to the seemingly endless decisions Gladys presented to her. She took one last sip of team and Anna appeared as if magically to clear it away. 

Anna carried the tea service to the door, pausing to ask Micara if she needed anything more. At Cara's refusal, she opened the door.

Micara heard a yelp and a splash and she looked up in time to see sudsy water splash from the bucket a young girl carried. The girl was the younger sister of the girl Aunt Gladys had hired to scrub and polish the parlour floor for the party. The little thing fairly quivered in fear.

Anna huffed in annoyance.

The little girl dropped to her knees and swabbed the puddle with her skirt and apron. 

"Go on," Anna shooed her towards the parlour, "It is clean, go on."

The girl hefted her pail and scurried away as fast as her legs would allow.

"Sorry, Miss," Anna apologized, "They are not the most careful... No! Watch the!"

A crash interrupted her and sent her scrambling in the direction the girl had gone.

Curious, Micara went to the doorway and peered around the corner. The silver tea service had been abandoned on the hall sideboard. Soapy bubbles seeped from the parlour doorway. She held back a giggle when she heard Anna chastising the girls. Heavens knows she had been on the other end of the scrappy little maid's dressing downs. She thought to go and rescue the sisters from Anna's wrath, but a knock on the door stopped her. With Anna preoccupied with her scolding, Micara went to answer, though she was sure to be scolded as well for doing so.

Another torrent of admonitions came from the parlour and Micara had to wipe the smile off her face before she could concentrate on her task. She pulled the door open, a formal greeting prepared for the visitor, but instead, she heard a squeal, and a figure with wild red hair pounced on her. The breath rushed out of her as Maggie crushed her in a hug. "Micara!"

Beyond the door, were Will, Katrina, and Calen. Micara was having difficulties breathe=ing, only partly from surprise, until Will stepped forward, a goofy grin on his face, nodded a greeting, and disentangled Maggie.

Katrina came forward as well and gave Micara a less strangling hug, but Micara only had time to glance at Calen before Maggie took hold of her once more, demanding to be shown a tour of the house and then to her room. Micara couldn't help but comply. She did not know what they were doing here, but she would have time enough to find out once they were settled.


I'm not going to give any specific excuse for my absence except to say that life is crazy and unexpected and I am thrilled to say I'm going to be a big sister again for the first time in 16 years! Lots has happened since my last update and  I'm excited to share that little bit of it with everyone because as you can probably tell, I'm ecstatic. 

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

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