Chaper 7 I All Most Lost Him

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We ran as fast as we could. And when we got there. We saw the vampire army and the werewolf army marching up to each other. Me and Aiden ran in between them. "Alex. Your here. No help us get rid of these Werewolves for good" "No mom. Im not" I said with anger. My mom looked at me. "Hah hahahaha. Now Aiden attack her" "No. Dad" Then you leave me no choice " He growled at Aiden. But then my eyes went from yellow. To a yellow red mix. And instead of two fangs I had four. And I had claws. And I growled right back. But louder. Every one just stood there with surprise looks on there faces. "Listen to me. What happen to the peace between us. The days were we could have fun with each other. And not have these wars. Put your fangs and claws away. And let us have peace once again" after my little speech. I saw fangs and claws go away. Expect the werewolf overload. And like that me and him battled. It was gruesome fight. Blood every were. Until I was down on the ground. And the overload was about to do the final strike. But it never came. I looked his way and Aiden was fighting his own dad. Aiden was staped by a sword his father was hiding. "AIDEN!" I yelled. And with that I riped the overload head clean off. I looked back at Aiden who pulled the sword out of him and fell to the ground. There was black blood coming out of his mouth. I ran to his side. And Ethan was on the other. "Dose it hurt you as much as  it hurts me" he ask Ethan."Yeah" "it's okay". " Alex. Do you believe I was one of the good guys" "Yes. If course I do" i respond with tears in my eyes."Also Alex. If i die. I need you to move on. Don't keep this hold you back from finding love." Ethan lets me hold Aiden. Cause it might be the last time I get to. He past out from the blood lost. "Aiden I do remember the first time we met. I was new to the school. You gave uo your seet in first so I could sit. You gave me this goofy smile. I remember when you ask me to be your girlfriend. Most importantly I remember all the good times we had together" Every one had tears in their eyes. Ethan gave me the saddest look ever. I might be losing my first love. But he is losing his brother. By now I was crying in his chest. My mom pay me on the back. I looked up at her. "I'm sorry sweet. Sorry it had to end this way. Alex you need to let him go. Move on." my mom had I tears streaming down her face. And then I hear his voice. "And I remember the first time in class I gave you my seat to you. And how we met in homeroom" I looked at were the voice is coming from.

        The end. Or is it.

The Crazy Adventures Of Alexandria (Fan Fiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now