Chapter 5: One In A Million

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"Life Is A Fairy Tale"

Chapter 5: One In A Million.

For the second time and on her second day, Princess Callie made it to Headlines. Tristan couldn't stop himself from snickering over and over again as he replayed the scenes of the footage in his mind. They were just nine of them this time, since Alex was summoned by his father to the main Headquarters earlier that morning. Tristan was the first one to arrive in the lobby and he took the opportunity to make sure that everyone else would end up watching the news about that very scandal the moment they entered. He then received a smack at the back of his head for that, but it was all so worth it.

"Stop thinking lewd thoughts, you pervert!" Isaac gave him another smack, this time at the side of his head. The platinum blonde was obviously trying to give him a concussion.

"I'm not!" Tristan defended, rubbing his head. That was surely gonna leave a mark. "I was just thinking of how amusing it must be to be one of her bodyguards."

"You are one of her bodyguards." Eclaire lamely pointed out.

"No, I mean as one of those permanent guys that she has back in Nirvana." Tristan explained. "They must have such a fun time looking after her and all that crazy stunts she pulls off."

Spencer stretched in his seat, being one of those who were born in Nirvana he's already used to this or at least, he likes to think that way. "If by fun, you mean chaotic then you're definitely right."

"Well, at least, she remains responsible no matter what crazy stuff she does." Micheal crossed his arms over his chest before leaning on the wall near the door.

"Just because she's a princess doesn't mean she's living the life of a fairy tale, you know." Eclaire interjected, she's gained so much respect for the princess in such a small amount of time, that even she couldn't believe it herself. "She's practically got the burden of the entire world on her shoulders and I'm sure she knows that because if she didn't, then she wouldn't know how to hold a gun."

With that, they were silenced, that was just too sudden. Sure she was a princess, sure she was beautiful, smart, skillful and fun to be with. But it was also a known fact that she fought in the war as well. She wasn't really much different from them, she just had a lot more to handle and for a while they wondered, how much more she was forced to take.

"I wonder how she does it all, by herself..." Nathan voiced out as he remembered the interview where the princess half-heartedly joked that she became everything.

"That's a good question, remind me to ask her later." A friendly and familiar sweet voice spoke from the doorway, causing all of the occupants of the room to seek the speaker.

"Miss Layla!" Micheal almost shouted as they all scurried into line. They all saluted and Layla merely giggled at the sight. "Miss Layla, pardon our intrusion, but why exactly are you here?"

"Well, I was blessed to have the opportunity to join the princess for breakfast." She beamed vibrantly.

"You're joining her for breakfast?" Spencer repeated as if trying to digest what the singer's claim.

She nodded sweetly before speaking again. "Miss Ellen and Miss Carmina will be joining her too."

"What? My mother?" Nathan gasped, this can't be happening.

"Yes, Nathan. Your mother, me." Carmina suddenly appeared from the hallway with such a loving smile, Ellen was standing right close behind her.

Everyone was thrown into confusion and the three ladies immediately took notice of that since it was so obvious.

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