Mingyu spitefully slammed down his DS, sighing angrily, "Oh damn you, Wonwoo." Wonwoo smirked in response.

"So what's up guys?" Mingyu asked, finally meeting our eyes.

"Why are you acting like everything is okay?" Seungcheol chided.

"Because it is! Seungcheol, I nearly died. I don't think I'll ever get so worked up over trivial things again. I'm just happy to be alive," Mingyu beamed with candidacy.

"Babe, just because it isn't important to you doesn't mean it shouldn't be important to him," Wonwoo intervened, "Seungcheol really likes Jeonghan."

"He's just a few doors over. Go see him," Mingyu rolled his eyes.

"He hurt me," Seungcheol stated plaintively.

"And you hurt me, but I forgave you a long time ago."

"What happened with us was an accident."

"And how do you know that what happened with Jeonghan was on purpose with the intent to hurt you?"

Seungcheol opened his mouth to speak but Mingyu cut him off.

"You don't know. And you won't know until you talk to him."

Seungcheol fell silent. It had the same effect on me. It would have to be a really good excuse for me to forgive Chan though. That's what I told myself. He hurt me too badly to be forgiven.

"Soonyoung, do you want to go get something from the vending machine?" Seungcheol asked quietly, his dark chocolate eyes glancing into my own. I pursed my lips and nodded as my gaze fell to the floor.

"Bring me back something," Mingyu ordered as we shuffled out of the room.

"Me, too," Wonwoo added.

We trudged wordlessly down the narrow hallway, passing Seungkwan's room with averted eyes. The brightly lit vending machine sat at the end of the corridor. Out of the corner of my eye, when we passed Seungkwan's room, I saw Chan slip out of the doorway and begin following us. I pretended he wasn't there.

"Soonyoung," he croaked. Hearing my name leave his mouth brought back more unwanted memories. I pushed down all of the affection that was fighting to burst through my throat. I ignored him. However he was determined, as he always is. Seungcheol rolled his eyes.

We approached the vending machine and I fished out my wallet. As I inserted two coins into the machine, there were two light taps on my shoulder.

"Soonyoung," Chan muttered, so quiet I wouldn't have heard him if I wasn't secretly listening for his soft voice.

I couldn't ignore him this time, no matter how badly I fought to. I spun around and he was standing a few steps back. I couldn't believe he had the valiance to approach me. All the pain that he brought me was all coming back to me at once. My vision blurred for a moment.

"What do you want?" I asked confrontationally.

"Can we talk?" His voice sounded so delicate, as if it would break at any second.

"Why should I talk to you? Why should I give you anything after you left me like this?" I inquire, infuriation consuming me.

"Please, Soonyoung, give me one more chance to explain myself. Then you never have to speak to me again," he pleaded sorrowfully.

I had to stop hiding behind this bitter shield. I missed Chan more than words could explain, and given this opportunity to talk to him, I wouldn't let my resentful facade take this away from me.

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