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Outrage. Absolute fury.

Time stood still as I looked into those bronze brown eyes that used to draw me in and cause me to be so smitten with him. I wanted to push Chan down and scream at him all the pain he brought me. And that look of pity on that face made me want to punch him.

How dare he? How could he actually have the audacity to show up here with his ludicrous little posse? I wanted to shout every hateful word and phrase that existed at that boy. He left me. He left me. He left me when I needed him the most! I hate him. It was the first time I felt genuine malice towards him. My face must as red as a firetruck by then. I'm sure my countenance was solely enmity, judging by his embarrassed and even somewhat intimidated expression.

I noticed in my field of view that Jeonghan's once long lilac hair was cut short, and dyed dark butterscotch brown, and his hand was nervously clenching a colorful bouquet of flowers. To his left was Hansol, his hair dyed jet black, a change from the caramel that I met him in. His face showed guilt and anguish as he stared into Seungkwan's eyes.

Since I had no clue as to how to react, I glanced over to the irascible Seungcheol, with his face as red as mine, his fists clenched, and his knuckles turning white. He practically had smoke coming out of his ears. Seungkwan on the other hand only showed alarm. His eyes were wide, the color drained from his face.

This all happened in the span of a few seconds.

The first words spoken were from Jeonghan. He cleared his throat and tugged on his shirt collar, "I-Is this a bad time?"

"You've gotta' be fucking kidding me," Seungcheol growled.

"I'm sorry!" Jeonghan yelled with heartache, "We can explain!" His eyes locked with mine. All the grief on his face couldn't make me feel anything but acrimony for him. My blood was boiling.

"Explain what?" I screamed, "How you fucking left us after we go through such trauma? Don't act fucking innocent, or expect us to forgive you."

Along with this anger came adrenaline. I felt like I could flip a car on its side, I was so hyper. Seungcheol would have to hold me back if they said anything even remotely provoking.

"We don't expect you to!" Chan exclaimed with panic. His voice. The voice I've been yearning to hear for so long. So many memories hit me like a hammer. Everything flashed in my mind. The ferris wheel, the dinner, the party, making out with him on my bed, holding his hand at the zoo. My vision went blurry several times, as it does when I'm overcome such intense exasperation.

"Listen, we're just here to see Seungkwan," Hansol resolved, "Let's not fight around him."

"You don't deserve to see him!" Seungcheol hissed, standing up quickly.

"Seungcheol, quit it!" Seungkwan austerely ordered. It was the loudest we'd heard him speak in months. "I have more friends than just you, and you don't own me! I would like to see them, so please let them in," he sighed disconcertedly. Seungcheol and I knew we were defeated then. We slowly sauntered towards the door, and the three boys parted the way for us. On my way out, I roughly jostled Chan with my shoulder, forcing him to step back and yelp in pain. Something about that brought me relief.

Without words we trudged to Mingyu's room. Wonwoo was practically living there at this point, so when we walked in, we saw them cheerfully playing Mario Kart DS together and giggling every so often.

"Hey guys," Mingyu spoke, his eyes trained on his game, "I saw your boyfriends."

"They're not our goddamn boyfriends," Seungcheol spoke through gritted teeth.

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