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"Yes, now get up," Chachi yelled back.

"Where?" I sighed as she looked through my closet in search of something for me to wear.

"Cameron dallas' Calvin Klein party," she said, making my heart skip a beat.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Oh come on, you probably won't even see him, this party's gonna be huge," she said, turning away from me to look through my overfilled closet. She waved her hand as if it were no big deal, but she wasn't the one that was about to go to her ex boyfriend's party.

"And if I do see him?" I raised an eyebrow. I crossed my arms over my chest like a child that wasn't getting their way. I never thought about what would happen if I ever saw Cameron again. I know how I would personally feel, but I don't know if he would ever want to talk to me again. That even being a possibility scared me. I don't want a boy that I was once intimate with to think of me badly especially if I thought highly of him.

"You guys ended on a good note, it's not a big deal, you were just going on different paths. I'm sure it wouldn't be the end of the world," she said as she eyed a shirt I had like she was going to steal it. "Come on, you need a night out. All you've been doing lately is working non stop, let's go have fun," Chachi groaned once she'd seen how unsure I was about going. She didn't understand how I felt. She's been in a stable relationship for the past three years, no bone in her body is worried about getting confronted by a guy she used to be with.

"I agree with her, go out and have fun, but maybe I can stay home?" Adelaine said, laying down on my bed. I turned to her, squinting my eyes at her as she smiled cutely expecting to get out of going to the party.

"Nope if I'm going, your going," I said seriously, turning back around to Chachi who was quickly making an even bigger mess of my closet. I guess I won't be relaxing after this party.

"So you're going then?" Chachi smiled, wiggling her eyebrows, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Fine," I sighed to which she squealed, making me smile.

"But only because I'm finally done with that whole promotion thing and you have to agree to let me relax after this," I said to her, pointing a finger at her. Her posture fell, dropping the clothes she had in her hands.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Can I borrow some clothes then?" Adelaine asked, sitting up and stretching as if she'd just slept a full night.

"Yeah of course," I said.

"It's a fancy casual, so no elegant dresses but like you were going to an extravagant interview," Chachi nodded.

"An extravagant interview," I mocked her, laughing.

I ended up putting on some yellow/black floral shorts with a lace up black tee shirt and some heels. The faster I got ready the more nervous I got. All I could think about was somehow, someway I was going to run into him. Even if the party is huge, I'll spot him from across the room and theres no avoiding it.

Chachi wasn't joking when she said it'd be packed. The place was full of people but as I said, I still managed to run in Cameron's best friend.

"Scarlett hey," Chris smiled. I couldn't help but wonder if he was only being nice to be polite. Chris had always been a nice person, so I pushed that thought out of my mind.

"Hey, how've you been?" I smiled when he hugged me.

"I've been good, just school and work what about you?" He asked, pulling away and looking at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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