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At a very young age, I'd become obsessed with the arts. Not just one in particular, it was all of it, everything about it. Creating something unique for others to see seemed so great to me. I immersed myself in drawing, painting, dancing, ukulele, anything that required the build up of skill and performance at the age of five.

This obsession didn't happen out of the blue, it came from my dad's love for music and and the arts. He loved sounds and feelings, things that made him think. He introduced me to that love while I developed a love for visuals on my own. It'd always been just my dad and I. He'd support me through anything even when I became obsessed with soccer and volleyball at the beginning of high school.

During my sophomore year, something much more incredible than I could imagine happened. I'd decided to post one of my dance class performances on YouTube. The video got thousands of views. Although it wasn't viral, it was a lot for a girl that usually just posted her sport meets for memories. After reading comments about wanting more choreography and ignoring the "you can't even dance" comments, my friend and I decided to post another. The more we posted the more people watched and we'd realized what subscribers were. Eventually the channel was just me because of problems with friends that aren't worth mentioning.

I'd made friends on the internet that lived in Los Angeles. I didn't live far from there so it became a goal of mine to save the money I was making off of youtube to move from good ole San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Once I graduated high school, I packed my things and moved out to studio city. It's been a year since and I've just moved into a new apartment, nicer might I add. My friends are living in the same building and I'm in full blossom on YouTube, immense support that overpowers the hate and actual friends in the midst of social climbers. Today was full of meetings and editing. Just when my friend Adelaide and I were going to lay down and relax, my friend, Chachi, knocks without a purpose since she'd walked in anyway.

"Get up, come on," she said, pulling the blanket off of me.

"What? Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I loved the girl to death but sleep is a necessity that's she shouldn't mess with.

"We're going out," she said, walking to my room. I groaned, getting up knowing she was going to look through my stuff.
"Are we really going out?" Adelaine yelled from the couch, sounding tired of wherever Chachi was taking us already.

"Yes, now get up," Chachi yelled back.

"Where?" I sighed as she looked through my closet in search of something for me to wear.

"Cameron dallas' Calvin Klein party," she said, making my heart skip a beat.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

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