Chapter nine

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Paris's POV

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I sit up in bed and grab my phone. It's 3:54 am and i'm getting an unknown call. When I picked up the phone, my heart nearly stopped.

"Are you Paris?"

"Yea, thats me, who are you?"

"Im John Keen from the hospital. There's been an accident."

12 Hours Earlier..

Jada POV

I knocked on Ethan's door, with the balloons in my hand, and a small on my face. After a while, the door slightly opened and a naked girl was shown. I pushed the door open and Ethan was nudely behind her, arms wrapped around her waist, kissing her neck.

Eyes teary, I drop the cake and let go of the balloons. "Happy birthday, Bitch."

As soon as I'm in my car, I leave. I don't deserve this. He doesn't understand what he's missing out on.

Greyson's POV

He was so perfect. His chiseled and sharp jawline almost scratched me as we were kissing. I moved my hands from his face, to his neck, and underneath his shirt. I ran my hands up his abs and suddenly felt a rough patch. Maybe a bruise.

He'll tell me what happened to him later, i'm sure.

As I continue to feel up his body, I feel another rough spot. I broke the kiss and pulled his shirt up. Four purple and blue marks masked Shane's skin.

I looked up to see him looking away, ashamed. "Babe, what happened?? Did someone hurt you??" I ask.

He pulls his shirt back down and sighs. "It's my dad, he's been having a hard time with the divorce and I guess he needed a mobile punching bag." Shane looked tired, as if he couldn't fight anymore. As If his battle was over.

"We need to report this, baby. He can't just go hitting you and not expect consequences." I say, worrying. He shakes his head, tears filling his eyes.

"He says, if I tell anyone, he'll kill me and my mom. I can't." He was full on sobbing now. I didn't know what to do. I just gave him my shoulder to lean on and caress his back.

Ashton POV

I stare at the air, everything moving in slow motion. I try to move, but it's to late. I can no longer move, and my feet are being aten by the second. My lungs are collapsing and I can't breathe.
As I take a shaky breath, I wonder. Is this the end? Is this what must happen to the shell of my body and release my soul? All questions are left unanswered as I drift into the light.

Paris POV

I run outside, to my car, and drove straight to the hospital. They'd called and said that Ashton got hit by a bus. And it's all my fault! I am the one who left him at the park, knowing that he would be unstable, and he left the park the next day, aloof. I messed up everything! I would do anything for him to be better. Anything.

As soon as I stepped foot through the hospital, I rushed to room 265. There he was, laying with a tube down his throat, blood smeared across his face, head wrapped in a stained red cloth.

I knocked on the door, and the doctor came out, shutting it behind him.

"He's not doing so well. We will need to go through a surgery and put a hole through his brain to see if we can repair some of the damage. If he survives the operation, he will have PTSD, and will take a long time to recover. He may also have brain damage. If he fails during the operation, he may be brain dead."

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