Chapter Six

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A/N : quick authors note. Um so this chapter is dedicated to a user named @my_name_is_lydia she is a very good fan, follow her

      Ashton's POV

I f*cked up really bad. I can't believe I said that to Paris! I'm an idiot! I pace around the room and search for something, anything to get my mind off of how badly I hurt her. My eyes linger over the car keys and before I knew it, I was in the car driving to Gasabi (A bar) .

I walk in and immediately head to the bar. I tell the tender to give me his best drink and lots of it. He gives me shot after shot and on my 15th drink, I was so drunk, I couldn't see clearly.

"Hey there, pretty boy." Says a voice next to me. I turn to my side and see a beautiful girl, sipping out of a water bottle.

      "Hey, the names As-- Ashcan." I say not wanting to tell her my real name. She snorted.

      "That's a real interestin' name there, mines Lydia." She smiled.

     "Well, Lydia, I got a question; why are you drinking water at a bar?" She looked out into the distance for a moment and hesitantly answered.

     "Alcohol is for people who want to forget or for people who regret, I have too many reasons to remember and I fix my mistakes before I have time to regret them." She seemed to be in deep emotion. Then she turned to me. "How about you? Why are you doing shots in a bar?" I laugh.

     "A bar is for you to drink, so why not?" I said smoothly. She looked at me real serious like.

      "That's not the reason why you came though, is it?" She says. I sigh and shake my head.

    "There's this ... Girl, who I've been Bestfriends with for my whole life, literally, we were born in the same room, and she is really beautiful, she has grey eyes that look like a mysterious storm and she has the biggest heart you could imagine, shes never stepped on an ant in her life and she has the most wonderful smile, it could make Antarctica melt, and she saids all the right things at the right times and oh my god, she's just really amazing, and I guess I can't be the only guy who thinks that because, This sex-crazed guy named Jorden, got her number somehow and he called her so I took her phone and threw it on the wall and she got mad and I told her that if she went out with him then she'd be a s -- a sl-- a slut and she ran away and I came here." I finish out of breath. Lydia looks at me flabbergasted.

      "It sounds like you love her and you're afraid to tell her." She said.

      "What!? Love?! I mean yea I love her but not love love her, I mean as a sister yes but not love love her she is not the love love type anyway she is like the look beautiful and be smart type and the caring heart type and..." Lydia looked at me and I knew. " I love her. I'm in love with my best friend," I whisper.

    "Go get her then, you don't want her to think you don't care do you? You need to tell her and give her a good explanation why you acted out with this Gorden kid." I laughed and nod.

    "It's Jorden." I say and get a napkin and write down my number. "So you can help me the next time I need love advice."
So, how was it?! Leave comments so I can find ways to improve and what should happen in the next chapter.

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