chapter four: Ruddy's big shock

Start from the beginning

   I am tryin to keep myself calm but its really hard to keep it down enough for Tamera not to notice.

  I opened the car with my remote key and hopped into the drivers seat ready to start the car.

   I know whenever Julian told me we need to talk its always after their chit chat with either Uncle Dan or Zeus .

    This time around if its Zeus or Uncle Dan am goin straight to Dad no second thoughts. Whatever it is that was going to happen should happen I don't give a fuck. I am sick of these interferences and I can't just sit back and watch them ruin my perfect relationship and take away my happiness. I have to put a stop to this bullshit. I am not going to listen to Julian if he tries to stop me from doing anything about it.

   But what was I going to tell him? What if they deny it? I don't exactly have a proof. Maybe I should talk to Zeus before going straight to dad. I guess that's what am gonna do.

   Ruddie!!!  Ruddie!!!

  I heard  Tamera tap me on the shoulder zoning me outta my thoughts and back to reality. What's wrong with you? You totally checked out. Who were you texting while we were comin down.

  It was Julian, he said I should meet him in Savinne steakhouse at seven., I spilled.

  Ohh, she sighed. It's Zeus and Uncle Dan again right, she added I guess, I replied.

  My phone beeped, I got it out and saw a message from Julian saying; I am so sorry I have to cancel dinner, I forgot I had family night today. Let's make it brunch tomorrow.

   Am okay with that, I texted back.

  I started the car and soon enough we were in my favorite boutique in the mall.

  We spent hours trying to choose wat to buy. Tamera got 4 wedged sandals, she was obsessed with those she always got atleast 3 when we went on our sprees. 5 sundresses, like a dozen of tops and I lost count of what else she got.

   While as Usual I got as many shoes I could grab and god knows how many sundresses which I absolutely don't know when I was gonna wear em all since it was always the end of summer. And I definetly got uncountable tank tops which were my favorite and jeggings to go with them.

When we walked outta the mall it seemed like we had bought all the clothes in there there was no room to put them all in the car I had to call the chauffeur to come get the clothes.

   It was really a stressful day buh atleast it helped me keep my mind off Julian and the troubled story he brought to me.

  When we got home I hurried into the kitchen where I found Miasy to get few cup cakes and cold milk. This was my favorite food combination and I always had it after a stressful afternoon. So Missy made sure we never ran out. Especially during school days. I consumed atleast a dozen each day. Am sure Ur wondering how I stay fit with my cupcake mongering. Well if u r an offspring in the Rich family then 4 hours outta ur 24hrs must be used for workout during the holidays and 2 hours during school days. So fitness was our life style. So this is why Zeus had no choice but to be built and also obsessed with sports. Basketball was his favorite. His real future ambition was to become a basketballer but as a Rich his future has been lined out to become the future proprietor of our family business.

    As I left the kitchen I told Missy to send Lenny to my room so she could arrange get the clothes I got in my closet.

   I was at the beach night with Nate and Tamera which was almost over and I had not set my eyes on Julian through out the night. And I had also not received a reply from him either a call the multiple messages I left him. Not to mention he stood me up yesterday for brunch without even a message to explain why. So I decided we would talk tonight but he decided not to show up which got me apparentely worried. Because this was an event I didn't think Julian would ever consider bailing. Because it was the last event before senior year started.

   Tried to bottle it and hide my emotions from my bestfriends which was impossible. But thank god they decided to just let me bottle it in for now.

   I left the beach at 12 am so I decided to to check on Julian and see if everything was okay. It was almost an hour drive from the beach which was a 15 mins drive to my place.

   I pulled up infront of Julian's building and made my way to his penthouse. I didn't bother ringing the bell because they always left the door open. I entered the house and walked straight to Julian's room with a few knocks on the door I opened the door not waiting for permission to enter.

   What my eyes saw made my mouth to drop open and my eyes began to fill with tears. Julian!!! I screamed in the most high pitched loud voice I have ever produced.

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