Chapter three

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April's pov

   I really am lookin forward to tonight. Well this is because its my second year Anniversary with Brody the star of the football team who was absolutely the quarterback. I am also the queen bee of the best school in Carlifornia. Am a cheerleader well not the head because the space was occupied by that lame bitch Aphrodite Rich. God the thought of her makes me wanna puke.

  So back to me, My mom Avery Hart was the owner of this Fancy Restaurant "Hart Restaurant".  And my Dad was a very successful writer. Well am an only child my parents split up wen I was nine. When the most devasteted thing happened "my Dad turned gay" and moved to England with Gabe my step 'something', well I don't know whether am supposed today stepmom or stepdad, so whatever.  sometimes I go for vacation but hardly.

Well as a Queen be you expect me to have close friends others called sidekicks. Mine were Maya Parker and Aimee Roberts. Unlike other Queen Bees Maya was a true bestfriend to me, Unlike me she was a brunette who wasn't as bitchy as I was. But Aimee was a real sidekick the dumb blonde, whose dad was a loaded politician. So we use her cards on our  shopping sprees well that's wen Brody isn't there.

   Brody Heaven was truely heavenly. He was the hottest guy you would ever think of he was a blonde with Six pack, blue eyes and the most charming smile in the world . And also the only Child of Luke Heaven and Avarice Heaven making him the direct heir to Heaven Corp. Well his good looks were what drove me to ask him out two years back, but now am totally over all that. I'm just in for the show and adorable gifts he brings me. Plus he was the best person to go on a shopping spree with. No need to check the price tag. And come to think of it dating Brody was the only way for me to stay Queen Bee with Ruddy freakin' Rich still in my school, it was hard to stay up there without a challenge. And the most annoying part is she pretends like she's not even trying when its been her dream since I took it from her. Which was really hard for me since all the hottest guys were drooling over her, well except Brody of course. He has never asked a girl out. They always did that part well including me.


wrong choiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora