Episode 1:Keeping Promises:Chapter 4:Alone At Last

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Chapter 4: Alone At Last

Clem's Pov

I awake from my slumber, eyes burning in the bright Virginia sun. The sensitive sounds of the river makes me feel peaceful inside. My back aches due to the rough, sharp surface of the rock I slept on. I pull myself up. I take a single sip, conserving as much water as possible. I savor every drop I have, making every drop feel like a gallon. I swiftly fall of the rock, being as careful as possible.

My entire body shaken, I tremble to the shore on the other side of the river. The shore is so warm, the sunshine never stops here. I curve the hair out of my vision. A cool, shaded forest lies ahead of me. I pull myself together and begin wandering. I hold onto a tree as I go, helping me conserve my well needed energy. Without snapping back into reality, I feel lost in the woods. The ever so shaded woods causes me to panic. I couldn't ever go back, but even if I tried, which way is back?

I tremble into a tree, holding my arm, lost all hope in this woods. It feels like ages since I endured on the adventure into here. There is no sign of breaking in the trees, and after all this time every twist every turn feels the same. I come to the conclusion, I am all alone. What if Aj is dead. What if what if. Those words echoed through my mind, the anxiety makes me keep going.

As the sun begins to set, I see a single shine of the moon, erupting from what seems like the end of the forest. My mood lifts, I feel the moon shining against me, the blessing of the end of this never ending maze. As my footsteps upon the change in ground below, I see a gas station. The name has faded into darkness, and the pumps have rusted to nothing. The station itself is boarded up, and I can't help but notice a fenced off area around the station. This seems like an outpost. The fence seems freshly built, with not a sign of deteriorating wood.

The gate is metal, resembling Prescott's gate. There is a post above the gate, which I assume someone stands on. I think, Is this a safe haven, or another kick in the head. I contemplate in my mind what I should do. Suddenly, a spot light beams upon my face. I shield my eyes since the light is super bright. The initial spot blinds me, but I make it five figures. I rub my eye, and I am hit by a gun stock. The stock hit the same place as Troy's did. "Who are you?" A feminine voice asks.

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