Imagine #1 | Emilio

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These first two imagines are a bit long, I'll do shorter ones in the future.


[You're a part of team 10, you're all just hanging out at the house]
*your pov*
I was just chilling, eating my cereal in the kitchen, while everyone else was either editing their yesterday's vlog, or getting ready for the day. I go to my instagram and check my dm's... Still empty.

"Always the same" i think to myself while putting another spoon of milk and a couple of cereal grains in my mouth.
My train of thought got cut off after someone decided to let out a DEAFENING scream in my left ear.
I held on to my phone and my now shaky spoon, but everything that was on it, now was spread on the table beside me.
Confused, I look up to the person who stood next to me, now laughing. It was Emilio.

"WHY would you DO that!" I exclaim clearly not happy about my cereal.

"I-I'm so-orry" Emilio said in-between his laughs, now waddling away.

"Yeah! You BETTER walk away!" I shouted trying to sound powerful and not scared... At all.... Nope.

~a couple hours have passed; me, tessa, and the martinez twins are the only ones at the house~

I was now chilling on the sofa, half laying down, half sitting up. I had my ready-to-edit video on my laptop, which was on my lap, and my phone in my hands, just scrolling through twitter.

"SAVAGE!" someone yells in my right ear (making me scream and let go of my phone) seconds before running away and up the stairs.
I wasn't having second thoughts on who it was this time. I think it's pretty clear.

"I SWEAR TO GOD EMILIO, IF YOU DO THAT ONE MORE TIME" I say loudly enough for him to hear while his feet hit the stairs.

I start editing my video with a smile spread across my face. It wasn't an "aw, he's so cute" smile. Ohohohoo nooo. It was a "he's dead smile". You see, I don't really like getting scared, especially since I'm somewhat of a "scaredy cat".

~it's now the evening, everyone's back at the team 10 house and jake's finishing his vlog in the garage~

Erika starts editing her vlog in the kitchen after we have a talk on which dress I should wear [to a random event].
I start walking away backwards, but when I reach the Martinez twins' "room" I turn around and shout to Erika:

"So, no low-cut? Are you sur- AAAAH" I scream in terror and fall to the ground.

Let me explain what happened: Emilio roughly grabbed my waist and screamed at the same time. He scared me. Again. That's three times in a day, pleople!

"Oh, that's it!" I say while getting up and running towards Emilio.

"No it's not" he laughs while sprinting into the backyard.

"You're gonna get it!" I scream and jump on him while we were "running" next to the pool.

Emilio loses his balance and falls into the pool with me. We come up for air, both out of breath.

"That's what you get, Martinez" I smile proudly.

"Maybe I should scare you more often, then" he winks while grinning.
He gets out of the pool while I'm stood there blushing: I realized that I was in a white, oversized t-shirt (that was now completely see-through) and booty shorts.

"Y/N?" I hear someone call my name...

Woah! First imagine is done! Feel free to send requests. Part two anyone?

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