Keith X Lance

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Keith X Lance (Based off of an audio)

Audio: YouTube - Keith X Lance Cute Smut By: James Lehr

Audio Link:

(Welcome to the first chapter on this story, my children~! This is my interpretation of the audio that this man has made. The credit for most of the sentences / script for this story go to him -until a certain point-!)


The doors leading into the kitchen flung open with much force as Keith stood there with a large smile. With a hand propped onto his hip and the other loosely holding his extended sword, he took a deep breath of satisfaction.

"Hey everyone, I'm back!" Keith hollered into the empty room while stepping in. He glanced around the tiny kitchen and one of the first things he noticed was his arch rival paladin, Lance. He was sitting in a chair next to the small gray table, holding a plate of the weird green space stuff they have to eat, and staring at Keith like he's seeing a lunatic.

Keith's smile instantly faded as a confused look rapidly took over, "Uh, ohh..."

Lance coughed and set down his plate of space goop, ", hi? Welcome back, I guess?"

"Lance? Where is everyone?" Keith glanced around the kitchen once more before looking outside the door to check in their main meeting area.

Lance stood up from his chair, making a squeaking noise against the floor, and quickly answered, "No no, they're all gone."

Keith's head swooped back to look at Lance as he nervously asked, "Gone?"

Lance hushed Keith with a grin as he followed up with, "They left."

"Oh." Keith whispered as he realized what it meant. They were all gone? For how long? How long did he have to be with this...thing of a blue paladin? An unimpressed facial expression glazed over his features as he gazed at Lance.

"It's only you and me, for now." Lance said as he took a step forward, crossing his arms over his chest and turning around to put his mess away.

"Aw, that sucks." Keith mumbled as he rolled his eyes at the other paladin across the room.

Lance sharply looked back at Keith, seeing him begin to walk away, and began to chant in a scolding type of voice, "Keeeith, Keith!"

Keith stopped with a jerk of his leg, knowing he was in trouble with the other man, "W-What?"

"No talking!," Keith glanced at the floor right before Lance continued, "Look at me, eye contact!"

Lance placed his plate on a different counter and slowly sashed over to Keith. He quickly plucked the sword from Keith's hands before Keith could protest and placed it on the counter top as well. He grasped Keith's right hand and pulled him into a corner before continuing his lecture.

"You stay over there, I stay over here, okay? And we don't communicate! Got it?" Once irritated Keith was comfy in his corner Lance turned around and walked into a different corner on the opposite side of the room, standing firmly on the ground once he got there.

Keith sighed, tired of being treated like a child by his companion, "Yeah..."

The two of them huffed in annoyance as they both stood in their corners, staring at anything but the other paladin across the room. Keith slumped against the walls' frame and started to mess with some of his black locks, shifting his eyes. Lance stared at the entry way, hoping for the others to arrive home as quick as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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