The Cycle of Bloodshed

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Topic:The Loop of Murder(Wattpad Amino)

I ran through the deserted hallway. My heart thuded in my chest. Footsteps followed me. Sweat dripped down my face and soaked my school blouse.

Again? Why? Why am I even running?

My pace slowed down as I thought about that question.

Why do I even run?

I felt an arm push me downwards. I fell to the ground with a thud. I tried to squirm my way out but it was no use.

A female voice whispers into my ear, "29 left." Pain seared through my body as cold metal pierced my skin. Then it was pitch black.

I found myself in my bed covered in sweat. I sighed.

It is over right? I'm safe in my bed. Phew.

The door to my room creaked open. Pale fingers clutched the door frame.

I'm not safe! I'm not safe!

I pulled my blanket over myself as if it could shield me. Footsteps grew louder.

"28 left," the same female voice muttered.

     A hard object collided with my head, cracking my skull. My hands gripped onto the edge of my bed. Another hard blow landed on my chest. Blood rolled down my face. The blanket was pulled away before I saw a blood-stained bat being swung towards me. I shut my eyes and let darkness envelope me before death could.

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