Awakened Demigod Witch (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Nicholas Flamel FF)

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Chapter 1

Yesterday was a tough day for Laureign, as a Head of the Magical Enforcement; she led a group of enforcers to capture the criminal behind the attacks of the monsters around the city. But they have failed on their mission; she had killed the criminal instead of capturing it.

Laureign didn’t have enough sleep because of that incident, after hours of staring on the ceiling, she decided to go to her office early and arrange her things. But again, she ended up sitting on her chair and staring on a picture of her father waving and smiling on the table. There are hundreds of thoughts swarming on her brain that day. Finally, she have decided what to do and opened her drawer and searched for a pen and paper and started to write.

She was nearly finished when someone interrupted her, “Maam Lau, sorry for yesterday, we should have helped you there. We got there on time, but we were all shocked…”

“Nate, it’s okay, you did the right thing, it’s my own fight. Besides I know I am really should be the one facing him.”

“I’m really sorry Lau. I know it’s hard for you. Is there something I could do to help you?”

“There’s nothing to worry about me. Uhmmm…just go back to your work and don’t mind what happen yesterday okay? I can handle myself. But thanks for the offer. Be safe here okay?”

“Maam Lau, what are you talking about? Are you going somewhere?”

Finally, she had finished the letter. “Yes Nate, I’m going somewhere, I’m going to the director’s office, see you later”.

This is it. No turning back. Laureign said to herself as she walks down to the director’s office.

Robert Custodio. Director, Department of Witchcraft and Sorcery (DOWnS). Read Laureign as she knocked on the office.

“Goodafternoon sir Bert”

“Goodafternoon too, Ms. Ortega. What brings you here on this hot afternoon?”

“I want to personally give you this, sir.”

“Oh is this your report from yesterday’s operation?”

“No sir, but it is connected with it.”

Laureign gave the envelope to the director. The director shook his head and said, “I cannot accept this Laureign. You don’t have to blame everything on yourself.”

“Sir, I have to do this, I know I should. If I’m not going to do this, I think I'm going to do suicide. I want a new life; I want to leave this place. This place sir, it’ll always remind me of everything...remind me of…”

“Your father...”

“Yes sir.”

“By resigning? You want a new life by resigning? You’re a wise girl Lau, I know you can handle this. You can overcome this. You’re the head of the Magical Enforcement, and you’re going to waste all of that?”

“I know sir, I have put all my efforts just to be on this place, but this is about my family, myself. I have killed my own father.”

“But he is a criminal. He is a Dark Wizard. He is…”

“Possessed. Possessed with some dark stuff, I know my father, and he wouldn’t even kill a mosquito. I should’ve captured him; I know I can do something that can turn him back to his own self. I know I can, but I stunned him, and...and…. he fell on a cliff,” cried Laureign. “Please sir, please accept my resignation letter.”

“Can I count on you when DoME needs you again Ms. Ortega?”

“Yes sir, yes you can.”

As she walks back to her office, she felt eyes on her so she look down and sobbed. She will definitely miss this place; she directly worked here after graduation, three years before she had given the highest authority on the department, but only a few months, now here she is, a resigned Head of the Department of Magical Enforcement.

She arranged her things and everybody is silent but in the urge of talking to her. The other employees somehow understood her grief and let her leave silently. She took a last look to her office, a great view of the Manila Bay. Every afternoon, she always had time to watch and be amazed by the sunset view of her office. But now, as the sun go down, she thought that this will be the last time she’ll see the sunset on this view.  She walked to the elevator and as it opens, “Goodevening Miss Lau, going up or down?”

“Down please,” Laureign said as she step on the elevator. As the elevator door closes, a voice came from her back. “So this is it Lau? You’re going to leave us? Is there any way I can stop you?” the man said. “Nothing Dan, there is no way you can stop me,” Lau replied. “I hope I can still see you, my dogs will miss you,” Dan said. “I’ll miss them too, someday Dan, I’ll visit your shop and buy one of your dogs, someday,” Lau promised. “See you Dan,” Lau said as she walks to the Ground floor.

“The Ground Floor,” she sighed. This is her favourite floor besides her office. This floor really looked like a hotel, whenever she’s here; she doesn’t feel that she is going to work. This floor made her always feel like she’s going on vacation. The chandelier on the ceiling that glows to any colour the person desires. “Oh it’s turning purple!” she said to herself. The purple chandelier, she always wants it on their home.

But she is not going home anymore.

She packed her things on her beaded bag last night. Knowing that she might have the decision of the resignation, she already packed all of her things. She went out of the department, as she looked back, the ground floor magically disappeared and looked like the abandoned hotel as it looks like on the outside. She always thought of what magical properties does the department has and they can hide a large building and pretended it as an abandoned hotel. As she thought about it, she remembered that there are two Muggle security guards outside for possible intruders on the hotel, even though she know that these muggles where protected by wizards she doesn’t want to be seen and conduct a memory charm on them, so she Disapparated quickly.

A little kitten roams around a mango tree and plays with its roots. But a tiny pop beside the bushes made it run forward to the cliff. And it fell…

“Wingardium Leviosa!” a voice shouted.

The little kitten rose and jumped as it reached the grass.

“Go on little kitten, find your parents, and tell them you love them,” Laureign spoke. She nearly missed rescuing the kitten. Also she is trembling as she lands the kitten on the grass.

And then she remembered her dad falling on the cliff… 

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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