It seems like he has felt with so much shit from people from such a long time. Honestly, from that night, I don't think is coping very well at all. But who am I to judge. Maybe he is coping well he is just an emotional guy. But I feel like there is something else there, I just can't put my finger on it. All I know is he is a lot more like me than I would have ever thought.

Our experiences are completely different. But how we act towards our experiences is almost the same.

I sighed and walked through the gates to see only Michael and Calum sitting in our usual spot. I had almost become accustomed to Luke's absence, I honestly started to question if he was ever real.

"Lacey, hey!"

"Hey Calum! Hey Mike!"

"So how was school yesterday without us?" Calum asked as he gestured to himself and Michael.

"I wasn't here I stayed home sick."

"Really? You ok now, just the flu?"

"Yea, I'm good now. How come you guys weren't here?"

"Umm, we, uh"

"We had some band stuff to do."

"Oh ok sounds cool." They were hiding something from me. It's probably something to with the bemergency from the other afternoon. I shrugged it off as nothing and follow the two boys to class.

Class had started and a teacher I had never seen before walked in. Great, a substitute. Now everybody is going to be idiots and play up to make him angry and make themselves look 'cool' and 'rebellious'. Why can't they just sit and be quiet and actually try to learn. I'm to tired to deal with their shit right now.

I propped my head up on my hand and sat distantly listening to the teacher yell at the idiots at the back of the room.

A knock at the door interrupted all of the mayhem the teacher was dealing with. He walked over and accepted the piece of paper from the messenger.

"Lacey Brooks?"

"Yep," I said raising my hand so he could tell where I was.

He handed me the paper before going back to dealing with the chaos that was occurring behind me.

I unfolded the paper to find it was a leavers slip. Reading the slip I gathered my stuff and told the teacher I had to report to the office.

"See ya at lunch guys," I said as I walked past Cal and Mike.

I arrived at the student office and presented my slip at the desk. I followed the office lady to a small waiting room for the parent and general use office. She held the door open for me as I walked in, and she closed the door behind me and left.

There was one other person in the room, the lady was sitting on a chair staring out the window. She looked like she was in about her late 30's.

"Lacey?" she questioned as she noticed me and stood up, "oh Lacey!"

She engulfed me in a hug. I had absolutely no idea who she was or what she was doing here. I sheepishly returned the hug, being evidently awkward.

"I haven't seem you since you we're a baby! how old are you now?"

"17," I replied nervously to her question.

"Oh, you probably have no idea who I am. Sorry, I completely forgot about that part! I'll give you a hint I got your message this morning."

Lillian Harvey. This was Lillian Harvey. Standing in front of me. In my school. The person dad wanted me to find. I had found her!

"Lillian Harvey?"

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