The Quiet Lie(One Direction Love Story)

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my other story has been deleted PERMINATLY it will not be making a return, this is my new story and i really hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I do writing this. 

WARNINGS: This story will contain strong sexual themes at times, so if that isn't your stuff then i suggest don't read those parts or something haha and This story will also contain mild self harm/diseases etc, 

So please do not be offended from my story, it is strictly fictional! 

okay okay now you can, read ahead and enjoy(i hope) :)

Here I go the first day of college, the one thing that should be one of the most exciting/ nerve racking day of my life. It isn’t. It is much worse than that, as I step through the lobby that is hardly crowded I see girls saying goodbye to their mothers and some fathers wishing them the best of luck; while I on the other hand was wheeling my bags through the lobby by myself with no one by my side or no one for support. It was just another day to be reminded that I had and will never have the support some people did. I will never be able to run back to my parents and ask for help, or guidance. It was just me, and nobody else. I got here on my own without guidance or providence by parents, but by hard work and slavering hours over a desk. That was the only way I’d get into college, by scholarship. And well here I am, with a scholarship pass for English and Sport. Not just one degree but two, I don’t think I earned both but never the less. Leaving my aunt was not as hard as I thought. Actually it was not hard at all and I can assure you I won’t be missing her a bit. Not her hair that’s always flowed down her back, not her blue eyes that looked at me as though I was nothing. Nothing about her I miss. I walked to the front desk as the lady said ‘next please’. With my paper work in hand I handed it to her.

“Ahh Rosalie Sanders, the double degree scholarship, how are you dearie?” The lady was about in her 70s maybe, very tall for an elderly and had a somewhat sickening smile. Her hair was short and grey and her eyes were a light shade of green.

“I’m okay.” I smile wearily at her; I was not good at socializing at all. I wasn’t brave enough to tell her to call me Rosie so I just stood and accepted my full name.

“That’s good; Trisha will be with you in a minute to escort you to your dorm. So you can just wait over there.” She chuckled and pointed to a seating area; I nodded and grabbed my paperwork from her. I began walking over to the chairs lined up around a bend and took a seat. The lobby was dull, looked like just any other room. Brown walls, floor boards, even the chairs were like classroom chairs. My stomach tightened and I felt the nerves already. I pushed my long brown curls to the back of my head, trying to gather cold air to stop me from becoming red or sweating. I looked down at my phone, I don’t even know why I have one I don’t really contact anyone, besides my aunt, on the very rare occasion. I heard loud clicks, indicating some snobby girl is wearing heels and it’s technically not even the first day. I looked up and see a woman not even near my age, her blond hair was up in the neatest and tightest bun I have ever seen in my life.


Her jeans were tighter than the pair of socks that grabbed my ankles. But at least her top was well half decent, a grey top that was long although cropped. She smiles towards me and I assume this is ‘Trisha’. I tell you the name really suits her.

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