#Beauty and the blood

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Hey there .
I am back..

Back to you
Sorry for being late..

Let me tell you the reason I was late ...
I was unconscious since two weeks.

And when I returned,I was weak.
Weak enough to type to you.

There's a bad news too,
I lost my right hand...
It doesn't work anymore...
Its still as a stone and paralysed.
And due to the paining left hand with an injection in the nerves makes me feel discomfort to type.

I must not waste much time to describe my conditions ..
Rather I must not waste much energy using a semi paralysed body.

You know what I never wanted to publish this chapter..
Whenever I tried , I cried .
Cried as loud as I could.

But I summoned all my efforts both physical as well as mental.

I know

I have to be strong not for me 
But for everyone else
I want to cry I want to scream
But no one can see my hollow tear.

So let's go back to know the reason for my crime.

It was the month of November and my days were going smooth at Ranchi.
All of my happiness were because of my bestie ..
An Anglo Indian young girl of my age.
Sana Jennifer
We were besties for more than an year.
Eventually she fell in love with me.
I was a great disciple of swami Vivekananda who strictly focused on being devoted to work rather than a girl.

He he.
It was the second Saturday eve when she proposed me first.
And stupidly I got angry upon her impractical dreams of marrying me.

I started ignoring her
I didn't reply to her calls

Being stressed with my anger and ignorance she came to meet me from her native town Bangalore.
She stayed at my sisters fiance house.

It was November 30th.
It was as normal as I never noticed.
But who knew that the upcoming 24hours.

I don't remember what I did for the whole day .
It was 35 missed calls at my phone of Jennifer that melt my heart and I decided to talk to her.

I tried calling her as soon as I came back from my evening piano lessons.

*The number you are calling is currently switched off*

That's all it says when you really miss someone badly.
I didn't sleep at night .
All I wanted to talk her.
All I felt like

Was she Google because she was everything I've ever searched before"

Was she a Camera because she always made me smile whenever I looked at her more.

Was she a Fire because she always made me melt whenever I got angry upon you.

Was she a Rainbow because she always made my life colorful.
I knew I loved her too.

The next morning I woke up.
I called her.
It was her friend who picked the phone.
I rushed.
Rushed as fast as I could ..
Rushed to my sisters fiance house.

I will return...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora