||Chapter One||

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[|| B r e a k i n g n e w s ||]
June 14, 1996- June 16

"Danny Grace, 27, of Manchester was found dead in his home late this Sunday evening.

The police say Grace's wife was the one who called reporting she had shot and killed her husband after he had allegedly raised a knife to her in an arguement.

She claims not only was it self defense, but it was not the first time it had happened. -"

I'm not sure what my mother and father were like before I was born. All I know is how they were after. Dad was an aggressive alcoholic and Mom was the one who put up with him for many, many years.

She was a soft spoken woman. Long strawberry blonde hair & piercing dimples. You'd never think that behind that make-up caked face hiding the bruises, she'd be the one to pull the trigger on my father. Not once. Not twice. But three times.

Maybe it was those late night beatings that had built the anger up in her. I'm not sure.

But after going from foster home to foster home because of their mess, I'd promised myself I'd never let my relationships get as bad as theirs when i grew older.

I'd never let a man hit me.

I'd never let a man curse at me, talk to me like I'm some filthy creature up off of the streets.

Never would I ever, EVER, become them.

Sadly, though, I promised myself that 10 years ago.

I took a long drag on the disgusting cancer stick before flicking it to the ground. Coming to a slow stop, i made my way onto the bus.

It was about 1 o'clock in the morning. Andy was out at his friends, partying more than likely & this was probably my only chance to get out.

"No payment, where to?" The old man gently pushed away my hand before smiling.

"How far will ya' go, E.W?"

He closed the doors and stared at his watch for what seemed like forever.

Not only could I not get caught, but I was anxious to get to where ever he'd take me.

"Well, I've got about 6 or 7 hours, love. I'll go anywhere to pass up some time. The drunk back there sleeps on here every night anyways."

Turning my vision to where he'd motioned to I saw a man a couple of years older than me cuddled up against the seat.

"Just take me as far as you can."

"Guess we'll be goin' where the road stops."

Sending him a small grin, I made my way back to the farthest seat.

"Oh and E.W?"

His head raised, looking at me through the mirror.

"Dim the lights, would ya?"

He did as told, me sliding in my headphones.


"Danny Grace leaves behind two children, Obilyn, 8, and Mina, 4. They will be sent to live with Maria Grace- Adams until further notice. More on the story will be released soon."

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Sorry for the shortness.

P.S. Obilyn is pronounced Obie-Lynn. For short, throughout the book she will just be called Obie.

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