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Ellie's POV

My eyes are glued to my phone once again as I scroll through my twitter timeline. I look at the top most area of my iPhone screen and the time is now 00:30. I've been scrolling through twitter for the past hour, still reading every tweet about Justin cancelling his tour. Do you want to hear something funny? Emma and I were supposed to attend his show in Oakland last year but I had to go on a trip for school on the same weekend. I was completely devastated. When I heard that he was having another leg for the U.S., I pretty much lost it. I purchased tickets to see him in Pasadena next weekend, but I woke up 3 days ago to hear the worst news of my life. Can you imagine, I could've seen him in 9 days but destiny yelled, 'NO!" once again so, I locked myself in my room for 2 whole days and I did not eat a single thing.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why I acted so crazy. I mean I attended My World Tour and Believe Tour, but my seats were so far away and the only time I was able to score 2nd row floor seats, the rest of the tour gets cancelled. It almost seems like destiny does not want him and I to get a glimpse of each other up close. Every time I try to meet him, I get no such luck. 

There was a time wherein Justin decided to come over to Frisco for whatever reason and he was roaming the city with a friend, and I did the same with my best friend, Ava. We were trying to see if we would bump into him anywhere but, zero luck is what we got.

Call me crazy Ellie for trying to meet him on the streets by stalking him, why don't you. I'm not like those fake beliebers who want to meet him just to get a picture and runs off to post it on every social media platform I own just to get likes and followers. Hell no! When I meet Justin, I want to have a casual conversation with him and to prove that there are other beliebers out there who don't act like animals whenever he's around. I bet you're thinking, "ha! I'll bet you $10 that you'll be on the floor before he can even say, "hello." You're probably 100% right, but I've had tons of practice and I definitely played the scenario in my head more than a hundred time already. That counts as practice, right?

It's as if on cue, my mind gets lost in a daydream once again about my encounter with Justin for the first time. A knock on the door startles me out of my thoughts. "Who is it?" My tired voice echos through my beautiful white walls and I faintly hear a muffled voice say, "It's Emma." I quickly grab my laptop off of my bed side table to make it seem like I've been doing some work. Trust me, if she finds out that I've been moping about this stupid tour again, I will not hear the end of it. "Come in." I tell her.

I focus on the screen of my MacBook Pro as I hear my door creak open. I look up to see Emma's head peeking through the tiny gap that she made between my door and its frame. She looks at me with curious eyes as she sighs and enters my room. I look back at the screen of my laptop and pretend to work on a paper that's due tomorrow. "I know you're still thinking about Justin and his tour, Ellie." I hear her say as she closes my door. "What are you talking about? I'm working on a paper and it's due tomorrow. Why are you still up at this ungodly hour anyway?" my strained voice asks as I try not to breakdown right in front of her. "Ellie, we're twins. I know when something's wrong with you and vice versa." she says as she walks to the foot of my king sized bed.

You see, Emma and I, we actually come from a wealthy family but we don't like talking about it nor do we like to brag so, that's all you're getting out of me.

"I'm not thinking about him, okay Emma? I don't want to talk about it." I say in an annoyed tone. I feel the right side of my bed sink and I feel a hand on my arm. I look over and see Emma looking at me with sad eyes. "El, you don't have to lie to me. You're my sister, my best friend. I'm honestly so sorry this happened to you, but I think I know something that'll cheer you up." she says with excitement written all over her face. It's honestly so scary how much we look alike. It's like looking in a mirror. A lot of people find it really difficult to tell us apart.

I sigh and pull the duvet a little more up my thighs as it's getting a bit chilly in the room. "If this has something to do with Justin, I'm honestly not in the mood right now, Em. Let me grieve." I say sadly as if someone actually died. "It's not entirely about him. Something very close though." she chuckles while she hits my arm lightly. "If this is about Harry and your sick pleasure of calling him, "daddy." then you can count me out." I say while scooting over to the left side of my bed a bit.

You see, Emma has this sick & weird pleasure of calling Harry, daddy. Well, let's just say I do as well but obviously for Justin. I mean come on, look at Justin! He looks daddy af. Emma doesn't need to know any of that though. Even if she is my twin sister, there are some things, some very very personal things that I would like to keep to myself, thank you very much.

I see her roll her eyes. "Oh, whatever Ellie! Don't think that I don't know about you calling Justin, "daddy". She says playfully while wiggling her eyebrows at me. My eyes popped right out of their sockets for a minute. "Ho-how did you know about that?!" I asked her with a shocked expression on my face. "Well there was one time I was passing by your room and I heard you scre--" I cut her off before she could continue. "What the hell?! I thought these walls were sound proof?!" I asked, embarrassed. "Oh Ellie, these walls are soundproof. You're just really loud." she tells me as I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. "Oh my gosh." I say as I put a pillow over my face. "Don't be ashamed El! Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I talked to mom and dad the other day, and I told them how bummed out you were about the whole purpose tour being cancelled and all that. So, they allowed me to take you to LA for two weeks! We leave next Sunday. Isn't this exciting, Ellie?!" she says while clapping her hands rapidly.

I quickly put the pillow down on my lap and looked at her with wide eyes. She looked back at me with a wide grin. LA? That's where Justin lives!

Here's the first chapter! This is actually my first time writing a book. So, please bare with me. This chapter was pretty boring actually. Nothing really great, yet. But please let me know what you guys think and what else you want to happen in this book! I have so many ideas but I'd like to know what your options are as well.  xx

By the way, the girl sitting on the bed in the photo isn't Ellie or Emma. You can picture them however way you want to. :) - S

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