Malec: Family honour

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Just as Alec leant in to devour magnus lips he heard a creak of the floor boards behind him "ALEC, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Alec froze, in a state of shock, his breathing became erratic as if he'd just run a marathon. Magnus could see the fear struck across Alec's face; all the colour drained from his face as if he'd seen a demon- well a demon called mother. Magnus grabbed Alec's hand and pegging it down the street- neither of them willing to look back , nor wanted to. "Where are we going?" Alec cried, in a fit of panic. "We can stay at mine; my parents are out of town."
When they arrived at magnus', Alec felt a weight lift of his shoulders as if he were finally home. Alec took of his shoes as magnus did and followed him into the living room. Alec flopped onto the couch and buried his head in his hands. Magnus' heart bled for Alec at the abandonment he must feel but his sadness soon turned to confusion when he heard Alec chuckling "I hate running!" he laughed. Magnus smiled in relieved that Alec could make a joke out of the whole situation. "Cocktail?" magnus offered. "Cocktail!" Alec repeated in agreement.
Hours had passed as Magnus and Alec spent the night curled up in each other's arms- not always talking but in a comfortable silence where they both knew they were safe "Wait I'm confused ... you said you were leaving but there's no boxes?" Alec blurted out, Magnus smirked "well..." He stuttered, his voice squeaking at the end before trailing off "You lied?" Alec question, with a hurt expression "Alexander, I..." Magnus began but was silenced by Alec's lips touching his. It was a soft reassuring kiss "I'm glad you did," he said before returning to Magnus' lips. Alec couldn't help but smile as he kissed him, as he realised he was kissing the man he loved.
Magnus slowly push Alec so he was layed flat on the couch. Alec slithered his hands up and down magnus' back giving magnus goose bumps. Alec pulled off Magnus' top as if there was no time to spare and made his way to Magnus' belt buckle sending a trail of kissed down his chest as he did. Magnus started to unbutton Alec's shirt with a degree of urgency but his hands too jittery to focus; his mind too hooked on Alec to focus. Suddenly Magnus ripped his shirt off sending the buttons flying. Alec pushed Magnus back looking deep into his golden eye to register what he'd just done before laughing it off and carrying on. Magnus was slowly sliding Alec's trousers off when Alec's mum banged at the door "Open this right now!" She bellowed
Alec stopped for a brief second whispering "Ignore her," Alec moaned, more focused on Magnus' rippling abs than anything else "Alexander wait," Magnus and Alec broke apart- moment ruined. Alec sighed pushing magnus off him. "I can't answer it, you broke my shirt remember?" Magnus rolled his eyes, slipped on his jeans and top and strolled over to the door, casually opening it a smidge so she knew she couldn't come in "Ah Mrs Lightwood what a pleasure it is "Magnus spat out sarcastically. Maryse pushed the door open knocking magnus to his feet. Alec mistook it for the door closing and said in a husky voice "You got rid of her quick, now come back hear so we can finish what... MOTHER!" Alec said shocked while trying to cover his shame with a pillow. "dear god Alec! "his mother hissed "Look Alec I've given you plenty of chances this is my final offer come with me now and we can put this" motioning to Alec's covered area "behind us" "or" Alec sighed "or disgrace our family honour and never see us again and when you realise that this is just a phase and he has moved on to new boy toy you can't come crawling back." Alec was taken back but in a wave of confidence he shouted, "his name is Magnus and I'm gay mum deal with it, it's not going away" Magnus had found his way back to the living room and stood in ore of Alec and his new-found bravery. "very well then" she said quietly, disappointment spread across her face as she left. Alec sat silently staring down at the ground. Magnus ran over to him and brought him close to his chest "my poor baby" magnus cried as he held a weeping Alec in his arms. "what have I done?" Alec whaled over and over as if no one could hear.

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