Part 3

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"I can't... I can't live in a world where I'm forced to be someone else. Where i have to physically abuse myself to change,"Alec paused contemplating whether or not he should do this but in the end love always wins "Magnus, i choose you," At this point Magnus' glittery eyeliner was down his chin and his foundation had smudged from the volcano of tears erupting from his eyes out of shear relief and love for Alec. He finally gave in, gave in to his love for Magnus.
In that moment, every fibre of Alec's being was compelling him to throw himself on Magnus, which was exactly what he was going to do but you didn't think it was going to be that easy for them to be together did you?

Authors notes: more to come😏 don't know where I'm going with it just thinks its fun... sorry for the poor writing skills 😬

Malec: The choice Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin