My two Stepbrothers...Chapter 38.

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Ok, a several hours i had 50 comments saying "NOOOOO! NOT DAIMEN! NOOOO" lol.

You guys seem to like him more then Dustin and Sapphire. After this chapter you'll love him SOOOO much more...even though he wont say or do anything at all.

And to think it was his birthday! he might never see his friends again! or play with his new gifts! or *gasp*...finish the piece of cake he left on the table! :O THAT would be tragic.

Read on:)


Chapter 38


Here we all are. Me, Dustin, Hannah, Dad, Tristan, Benny, Curtis, Daniel, Selene, Shawn, Aaron, Harmony, Leanne, and Emma. Waiting in the Riverview Hospital.

Its all my fault. I shouldve left when he told me to. He had a plan...but i ruined it. He knew what to do. He took the blame to advert Ethans wrath on any of us. And in return, i didnt listen and allowed him to get shot.

The bullet was aimed at me! Why'd he step in the way? That was suicidal! Oh god Daimen, please live! The ambulance came moments later. They took both Ethan and Daimen and left us stranded there. We immediatly called Hannah and Dad and now, we are waiting in the waitingroom, for any news.

I was crying like a baby with Dustin hugging me, telling me it'll be alright. Emma, Leanne and Harmony were crying too. Benny, Tristan and Dan were also teary eyed. Hannah was hugging Dad and sobbing with all her heart.

Soon a doctor walked in. He was tall, and in his 40's.

"Um..who is here for Daimen Carter?" he asked, and we all stood up. The doctor blinked a few times then smiled.

" Well my name is Dr. Freedmen and I have good news and bad news." he said. "Bad news is, that the young man Ethan Goldsburg, has passed away. Im sorry."

"Like we care, thats the GOOD news!" Shawn shouted. Dustin and i nodded in agreement. The doctor looked a bit shocked then continued.

"The good news...or other good news is that Mr. Carter isnt dead. The shot didnt hit him fatally. It skimmed the side of his stomach, but not enough to cause any major damage." he smiled.

I smiled and relaxed, hugging Dustin tightly. He smiled as well, as Benny cheered and the others whooped around happily. Hannah gasped and jumped up and down clapping her hands.

"However," Dr.Freedmen continued, "He is unconcious and was more in shock then most people we see. You can goin to talk to him, although he wont respond. Only 5 people at a time may see him." he said. We nodded.

Dad, Hannah, me and Dustin went in first. We saw my wonderful boy, laying down unconcious, hot as ever, with a bandage around his naked stomach. I smiled adoringly. I looked at Dustin who seemed upset and in thought.

"Well Daimen dear. Your all better. No harm done...well no serious harm! Henry and i love you, and get well soon baby." Hannah smiled, then kissed Daimens head. Dad smiled and left with Hannah.

I looked at Daimen and smiled.

"Hey Daimen. I dont know if you can hear me or not, but thank you. You didnt have to do that and step in the way. I shouldve listened to you and left when you told me to. I was completly useless and had no point in being stuborn and staying there. You were right. Im sorry. Get well, and consious soon babe. I love you." I said softly. Im so stupid. Very stupid. I shouldve listened. This could have all been prevented, and Ethan could have been in jail.

I shook my head, and sat in the back of the room. Dustin was still thinking, and frowning.

"whats wrong Dustin?" i asked.

"Ive been so wrong to him." he said. I cocked my head to the side and stared at him. Dustin sighed and continued.

"Ever since we were kids, ive been wrong to Daimen. And in return, he was the best brother i couldve ever hoped for. When we were in our early teens, he would take the blame for my mistakes so i could go to parties and dates and stuff. Like once, i mopped up a mess i made with my moms dress. Turns out the juice stain was permenant. That day i had an important party to go to, so Daimen told my mom, that he did it. I didnt say thank you...I just said 'Bad Daimen', and left to have fun.

And when we were a bit older, he had a girlfriend named Felicia. He liked her alot, and they were perfect at the time. Me, being a stupid a**, actually asked him if i could sleep with her. Daimen said no, cause he liked her. I pouted, and blamed my condition on account of my dad leaving us. Daimen thought i was really broken he gave me Felicia. I was very popular and all so Felicia was eager to sleep with me, and we did. Daimen was heartbroken, but didnt cry or tell anyone.

And Now! When i kissed Selene when we first came here, he stopped me before we went too far, and told Selene off kindly. He didnt tell anyonecause he didnt want me to be gossiped about. And when Ethan came yesterday...he took the blame so that none of us would get hurt. I never thanked him for all he did and ive only taken advantage of him.

I know for a FACT that Daimen wants you for himself. But he wants me to be happy as well, so he let us share you. Truth is, you dont deserve me. You deserve Daimen, Sapphire. He honestly deserves you, and you deserve him. Not me. I deserve a cheating slut." Dustin finished.

I was crying now. Daimen loves Dustin with all his heart. Daimen did all that cause he cared about our lives, and happiness. He saved Tristan fromgetting pounded to death, he took the blame AND the bullet, and he hid all Dustins mistakes. Dustin stood up and walked over to Daimens cot.

"Daimen, im so sorry for everything ive ever done to you. You really liked Felicia, and i took her. You loved Dad, but when he left, you made sure me and mom were ok. You more the man of the family than i was. Im so, so sorry for treating you like an annoying little brother. You are my brother, but your also my best friend. And...I love you Daimen. I really do love you." Dustin said, crying softly. I ran to Dustin and hugged him. Then we heard a groan.

"I love you too Dustin." a raspy voice said. Dustin and i looked down and saw, a sleepy, raspy but still beautiful Daimen smiling slightly at us.


Ya i know its short! But Daimen lived! And im sureuguys love him 10x more now! So vote and comment!

My two Steprbothers...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن