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private message

hey, i know today was the first time weve met in person, but i feel like you were just down. is everything okay?

i dont know, today was just a mess for me. sorry if i ruined it.

no, you didnt ruin it at all, everyone had a great time. i just wanted to make sure your okay.

+ if anythings bothering you, just know that you can talk to me. 😊

thanks, but this isnt something youd really want to know.

really? try me.

i really dont want to go into it, hell i havent even told keke

im guessing you tell each other everything? well besides this?

yeah, we are best friends. i just havent had the chance to and ive been trying to forget about it but i guess that didnt really work.

I dont want to push you, but if its bothering you so much I think you should talk to someone atleast.

you just really want me to tell you ha?

well i can be your 'best friend' for today, since kye isnt here

ohhh, she aint gonna be happy about that mr spidey

she'll never find out 😉

i really dont know if i can talk about it, its not that i dont trust you or anything im just over crying.

oh okay, well when your comfortable. im gonna be here to listen

thankyou, that means alot.

actually, you know what. fuck it, better to talk about him then be upset over it

him? jace, im guessing??

how'd you know 😒

I thoughts yous were going strong

yeah, thats what they like to show everywhere.

i honestly dont know where to start

as long as youre comfortable, from where ever made you upset?

well, long story short keke has been telling me from the start of our relationship that i always put him first but he never does the same for me. i thought it was just because she hated him but she was always right.

oh, im really sorry. so what happened?

its not your fault, its mine. but for the past 6 months hes been so focused on his new movie, i was always cool with it you know. putting our careers first was always a big point in our relationship so when i got offered this job i thought he was going to be happy for me. but what do you know. keke forced me to take it bc for some reason i wanted to be there for him instead of taking a once in a life time opportunity. anyway, he messaged me before i got on my plane wishing me good luck, i dont really know how but we ending up talking about that and he got really mad, so much more than he usually does.

damnn, okay. I dont know what else to say other than you deserve so much better. he should be so happy for you that you got this job & encourage you not put you down.

yeah, ive realised that thanks to kyeara. i probably overreached though, its just all that just before a flight, he knows i absolutely hate flying and get major anxiety. basically i was already having a hard time but that just tipped me off and well, made me pretty much ruin everyones day.

I already told you, you didnt ruin anything & that aint an overreaction. thats an under reaction honestly, thats bullshit. whats happening between you two now, if you want to talk about it

honestly i have no idea, i have messaged & called him multiple times but he's just ignoring me, what do i do?

i'd leave it, dont keep pushing. If he wants to talk again, ignore him. If he wants to treat you like that, he needs to realise what its like without you being amazing and everything.

aw thanks but wont that make the situation worse?

if he doesnt change his act, i guess that may be it. if he does, then hopefully he can put some effort into trying to get you back.

you really think that'll work? i mean, this is jace, so anything can happen.

we can only hope for the best for you.

im just wondering, if you know how badly he treats you, why do you still fight for him? its admirable but why?

idk, i guess i just love him, and hope he changes but i think ive been hoping for far too long.

aw okay, well let me know if anything else happens, ill see if i can help. good luck and get some rest, you deserve it.

thanks tom, i really appreciate it. ❤️

you're coming to paint ball tomorrow right?

yeah, of course. wouldnt miss getting to shoot you with paint balls. 😂

hahahah that sounds slightly strange but same, good night.

good night, nova.


so this is the night of them meeting for the first time, things are just getting started & im so excited!
i love tom & nova's friendship sm though. hope you do too!!
thanks for 180+ reads omg, please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments & vote if you're enjoying.

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