The morning after

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*current day*
You wake up to the sun shining straight into your eyes making your head throb instantly, unfamiliarity, considering your bed is no where near a window... you sit up and notice you're not in your room, you're in a room full of red solo cups, scattered clothes and everything is completely trashed.... your eyes shoot next to you to see a sleeping Zach, "what the fuck" you whisper to yourself, rubbing your forehead
"yo what the fuck did I do" i crawl out of bed and put on all of my clothes, leaving off my shoes. I waked over to where Zach was sleeping grabbed my phone off of the floor, then put on my shoes and walked out of the door... leaving Zach to himself... I walked down the stairs to see the 4 boys sitting on the couch "shit went down last night, damn" I said as I looked out to the backyard where there we're heaps of people passed out and shit literally everywhere
Jonah lived by himself so he didn't really have to worry about being told off by parents or anything so it didn't bother him that the house was trashed
"Yo, I'm going to take y/n home so she can shower and shit and then we're going to come back and help clean all this shit up, we'll see you guys soon" Jack says as we head towards the door
"See yall soon" I say as I wave and walk out the front door. We walk towards the car and start to drive home
"So... how did last night go for you" Jack says to me, he knows me too well to know that nothing happened. He can literally read my mind sometimes I swear...
"Well, I mean, I won I guess, not necessarily proud of the shit I did, not that I can remember half of it, but I know for sure that I slept with him" I said, a little embarrassed but also quite proud of myself... Jack knew that I wasn't a virgin but I also wasn't a slut... I hadn't slept with anyone else but Zach... I slept with him a while back when we were a 'thing' but when that happened it was actually meaningful, last night was only to prove a point... I proved that we only wanted sex and that's all I needed to get over him to be honest...
"Don't be embarrassed" he said softly "I mean, at least you proved a point" he added as we drove in the drive way of our house "true" I said as we hopped out and went into the house. We both showered and cleaned ourselves up and I chucked on some sweat pants and a short, flowy crop top. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth and chucked my hair in a bun, and I put on a little bit of makeup, nothing too much, just enough to be presentable and hide the bags under my eyes. We were ready in like 15 minutes and I chucked on some simple black vans and got back into the car and within a matter of minutes we were back at Jonah's, ready to help the boys clean up. We started out the back as we woke everyone up and they all left, and started to grab big trash bags, almost filling about 15 of them. We had cleaned everything except for upstairs and we all just stopped and looked around
"Uhhh... Zach didn't come down stairs while we were gone did he?" I asked as each of the boys shook thei heads.... "then he is still asleep upstairs" I said as I giggled to myself. I guess they all caught on to what must have happened last night as we all laughed, we basically were having a laughing fit when we were stopped by a cough, we all looked up to see Zach walking down the stairs
"Good morning Zachary" Daniel said I'm amusement
"Morning" he said, walking straight past us and slumping into the couch.
"Uh-uh, you're helping clean up stairs, we cleaned everything else" corbyn said in which we got no response...
"Oi" Jack said, still no response from Zach
"Either you go clean the room we stayed in from last night, or everyone else is going to find your mess" I said as he turned to look at me, his stupid smirk at the thought of last night
"I don't care, not my problem" he said as he turned back and closed his eyes, slouching back into the couch
"You know what is your problem, you think that now you're 'famous' that you're better than everyone else.... but we can still see you, at least I can... I can still see the person you used to be. We all miss that person, I don't even know who you are anymore, you're like a stranger to me, the biggest problem is, I think you can't find the person you used to be" I shot at him. There was a long moment of silence as Zach had just realised who he was turning into
"I'm sorry dude, I have to agree on this one" Jonah said, breaking the silence
"Honestly same.... and I can't say it's the same for everyone else too, you've lost all sense of respect man, we miss the old you" Daniel said as the 5 of us walk up stairs, beginning the clean the rest of the mess, leaving Zach downstairs with his thoughts.

We just about finish cleaning upstairs when I volunteer to clean the last room, the one Zach and I were in last night, that shit ain't fair for anyone else to have to clean... I clean the whole room and begin to strip the bed when I feel a hand on my back... I turn to see Zach standing there, his eyes filled with tears, I look away from him, continuing to take all of the sheets off of the bed... I brush past Zach as I walk to the washer room and throw all of the dirty sheets into the washing machine. I start the washer and walk back to Zach just sitting on the bed, his face in his hands, sobbing. I walk in and sit next to him. "Look..." I begin, grabbing Zach's hands and holding them tightly, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes "I love you, okay. You know that. I always have, we've grown up together and you know, I've always loved you... I don't know if you ever loved me though. We were together for 3 years and as soon as your career and social media shot up, you shot me down. I'm broken Zach... I'm exhausted, mentally... because of you... and you know that very well. You watched me break and didn't seem to care at all. But that's the thing, I know you, and I know who you are... I know you better than any of these hoes do.... okay, I know you better than the hoes that live in this town... even your loving and adoring fans, I know you better than they do... I know you better than anyone does and you know that... I love you Zach... but I don't know if you love me" I finished as he looked into my eyes, which were now filled with tears.... "I-I do, and it sucks.... after I left you, I got with every girl and very quickly, I had realised I had fucked up... I knew it want right but you basically hated me... you would never forgive me and I knew that" he sniffles "but I don't want that to be me anymore" he said "then prove that to me Zach... prove that to me and the boys.... show me exactly who you want to be, and be that person, nobody else" I said as he pulled me in for a hug, he held onto me so tightly and all I could do was hug back... "come on, let's go" I said, standing up, reaching out for his hand

Jack Avery's Little Sister | Zach HerronNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ