The beginning

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*Future Tense*
You wake up to the sun shining straight into your eyes making your head throb instantly, unfamiliarity, considering your bed is no where near a window... you sit up and notice you're not in your room, you're in a room full of red solo cups, scattered clothes and everything is completely trashed.... your eyes shoot next to you to see a sleeping Zach, "what the fuck" you whisper to yourself, rubbing your forehead

*Monday Morning*
"Y/N!!!" You hear Jack call from downstairs
your eyes slowly open and you dread the thought of having to go to school, you hate school more than anything
"Morning y/n" Jack says as he walks into your room and takes an adidas shirt out of your closet "it's okay if I wear this today, right" he says as he walks toward your door
"Of course" you say between yawns
You and Jack are super close. You share almost everything. You're surprisingly similar and even share each others clothes, you have the same size in shirts and shoes so things tend to work out pretty well. You tell each other everything, you each know the deepest darkest secrets that exist in the back of your minds... literally anything that happens, you're both the first to know. You're only 2 years apart but you are each others best friend, almost like you're twins, just 2 years apart.
"Yo, also, I know Zach has been getting you down lately, but the whole 'famous' thing is really getting to him... it's annoying all of us, don't worry" jack says to you as he sits on the side of your bed
"He's just becoming so ignorant... he and I used to be so close and all of a sudden, he's just changed into something that he always promised he wouldn't be" I said as I look up at the ceiling before looking back at Jack. Jack lets out a small giggle and kisses you on the forehead before standing back up "don't worry, we're all just as pissed off" he says as he walks out of your room
You jump up and chuck on a pair of ripped jeans and a flowy crop top, you put on your makeup and straighten your hair, then walk down stairs to eat the breakfast that Jack had cooked you. Bacon & eggs, your favourite. After you finish eating, you run back upstairs, clean your teeth and chuck on your black and white high top, old skool vans. You run back down stairs
"ready" jack says as he opens the door,
"all set" you say as you pick up your bag that was laying by the door, you walk out as jack shuts the door behind you, locking it and jumping into Jacks black, Jeep, Grand Cherokee. You arrive at school about 10 minutes later and walk through the boring navy gates to your boring ass school. Of course everyone stares as they always do, considering Jack & the other boys are 'famous' because of their band, you of course being 'famous' too because of them. "This gets old. We're just normal people and everyone here has always known us, but as soon as we become 'famous', everyone wants to be friends with us" I say to Jack as I look at him and roll my eyes "I know, they're all thirsty" he says as he imitates you, rolling his eyes and chuckling
You walk through the doors and find all of the other boys, of course, except Zach... he's always flirting with some girls or whatever, even you thinking about it makes you annoyed and without noticing you roll your eyes
"uh-oh, someone still mad about Zach" Daniel says as he pulls you in for a hug
"how'd you guess" I say as I laugh at him
"we know you too well y/n" corbyn says as he also pulls you in for a hug
"don't even worry, we're just as salty as you, he's really getting on my nerves lately" Jonah says as he pulls you in for a hug too and laughs a little too loud. Then a bunch of screams and squeals comes from behind where we are all standing, we all turn to see Zach being surrounded by girls all touching him and trying to get his attention, "oh great, here we go" I say as Zach locks eyes with mine... he knows he's hot, and he knows how I feel about him, that's exactly why he does it... he and I used to be a 'thing' I guess you could say, but after the boys took off on social media, he decided that he was 'too good' for me I guess, the only bad part is the whole 'bad boy' act he pulls, is extremely hot, and he knows it too, he knows exactly what it does to me, he knows me more than anyone in the world, of course except for Jack, but he knows damn well that it annoys me

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