Fell for you, slept with all: A youtuber fanfic. Chapter five

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Chapter five

Now I’m sitting in the truck between A boy named Ricardo, who showed up as we were leaving, and Andrew.

“So, jade, how old are you” Ricardo asked, he was leaning up against the window and had been silently watching the tree line from his seat. This was the second thing he had said the whole car ride.

“Eighteen and a half” I answered, watching him for a minute, then going back to looking out the windshield and humming along with the radio.

Marcus and Joey had been firing questions at her the entire ride, I answered then sincerely, but quickly.

“So which boy do you like better, Ricky or Kian. Cause I can tell you got a thing for both of them” Andrew asked, this was his first question of the entire ride. I looked over at him, first shocked at his boldness, then shocked at the truth in the words.

“Why do you need to know, why do you think I have a thing for either of them, and why the hell should I tell you” I asked, immediately on the defense. He laughed a little.

“I was just wondering, I can tell you have a thing for them because I’m amazing like that, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” he ticked the answers off on his fingers. Just as I was about to answer, the car hit a pothole. The bump was huge, Ricardo looked surprised, he stuck his head  out the window to examine the damage.

“Shit, we lost a tire” he said looking at Joey, who immediately pulled over.

“I got a spare in the back” Ricardo said jumping out of the car. Joey and Marcus followed him out, leaving me to sit with Andrew.

“You were saying” Andrew. Said looking at me expectantly.

“Fine, if you must know. I think they're both awesome, and want to be close to them, but right now, I’m kind of with Ricky. Last night he kissed me, and I slept in the same bed as him” I went to continue but he cut me off.

“You also kissed Kian on the cheek, and he’s madly in love with you. The others aren’t far behind” He said.

“In love already, wow. All of them. I doubt it” I snorted. He just shook his head, the car tipped a bit as Ricardo jacked up the car so they could change the tire.

“So you still haven’t answered my question, who do you like better” he asked, curiosity lightening his features.

“I don’t know becauses I like them both for different reasons, both, or neither. Next question please” I said confusing both of us. As he was about to say something the others dropped the car from the jack, startling them both. The three boys piled back into the car, and we were off again.

“It’s great to be traveling with such chatter boxes, huh Joey” Marcus said. His words dripping with sarcasm. Joey snorted, and the two of them got into a heated debate on which was better, catching fire, or divergent. They argued back and forth for the remainder of the ride.

Finally, they pulled up next to Connor's car,

and the adventure began

Fell for one, slept with all: An o2l fanfic. Chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now