Chapter 1

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The nightmares I get are worse now than they have ever been before. They pop up frequently even when I take naps, Its like my first priority is to have nightmares now they occur so frequently I cant seem to separate them from real life. All my dreams warp into my day and people constantly stare at me like Im mad. But the question is,am I?

I find myself In unreal situations and places, I see dead people way more often than any living human should. Am I dead? Eerie creatures crowd my head and visions and now I just cant tell whats real, I dont get it its like Im trapped Inside a nightmare. Im living a nightmare. All these thoughts race through my head and then its black. Theres nothing anymore  I cant see or feel, theres an absence of every one of my senses. Then I was asleep or at least I think so, because thats when the nightmares started. They follow me everywhere, their footprints branded into mine asleep or awake. I hear whispers,  gibberish mostly but sometimes I understand, but what I can understand no one else would want to. I've tried explaining it to people before and everyone has just told me I was insane or tried to get me serious help. No one understands. but him. He gets it, he gets what I go through every detail he understands on another level, and I could describe every feature and aspect of him perfectly and what baffles me more than anything else, (which seems high over impossible). Did my mind just make him up like it tends to do everything? He's just too perfect and he doesn't have many faults or any at all. The reason why Im somewhat sane is him. Im not sure what kind of impact he has on me, this nameless boy has yet to steal my affections, however my mind is occupied by him as much as the nightmares do. The day I met him was crazy just like the rest but little did I know it wouldn't be that way for long.

Then they're back. There was a bright flash of lighting against the eerie night sky. i was safely hidden for now behind the couch accompanied by nothing but the sound of the rain practically shattering the windows in the room. I could see the stairs from here but what lies at the top I'd never know till I reached it. Just like the rest of them I knew there was no way I could get out without facing the obscure creatures that roamed freely through my nightmares and usually the only way to wake up is to quote on quote die. My eyes bore into the stairs looking around the corner of the couch planning how I could make it. I could bolt for it, sure. But  all the thinking wasn't worth the fact that I would get chased by something regardless. So I did it. I ran. Something with fur was behind me as far as I knew and I wouldn't stop now  just to find out what it is, so I kept running. When I got to the top of the stairs, that had seemed to be never-ending at the time. I ran to the room farthest from the stairs, and closed and locked the door before jumping to the top of the bunk bed. I quickly and quietly hid under the covers because of basic nightmare logic, everyone knows blankets protect you from monsters. Then it was in the room. I repeat the creature is in the room. Suddenly I was out of the bed, and at the feet of the monster. I looked up slowly awaiting the usual scary roar or some sort of scary noise to startle me, only for the monster to do nothing, until it jumped at me. Then I was in the upstairs bathroom, of this somewhat oddly familiar house. I looked around  and grabbed my cellphone from the bathroom counter, trying to call an uber so I could leave as soon as possible. Then I saw my father he was on the phone with someone and as fast as he appeared he was gone. I was a pool of tears watching him leave again just like every time. The way my father passed is a long story for another time, but ever since then my nightmares couldn't have been worse. Next thing I knew I was out in the rain and a cab pulled up in front of me. I hopped in and it went black again.

My eyes opened and I was finally awake but I was in the cafe just down the street from where I lived. I've heard that some cute French boy and his family owns this place. Now that I can recall I remember being here before I blacked out again. It was my first time actually being here and I thought about befriending him because I had heard so many great things about him, but it's not that easy anymore, Eventually he would find out about my nightmares and we most likely wouldn't be friends after that, so I ceased fire on my friendly invite. Therefore I figured it'd be safer to admire him from a safe distance as he worked from behind the counter. I leaned my elbow against the table resting my head on my hands trying not to drift into another nightmare, and how'd that work for me?  Just the same way it always works, it doesn't. the lights in the cafe started to flicker. I looked back towards the counter and he was gone, I turned around again to come face to face with him but he looked..dead?

His face was quite pale and almost green, with half his face rotting away. His limbs were attached to his body for the most part in a half zombie/human hybrid kind of way, but his hair was the same just very..Messy.

He grabbed my shoulders and I pulled away from him not wanting him to eat my brains or something crazy. My back came in contact with the wall  that the booth was up against quite harshly , almost triggering my walking nightmare to disappear, because after that everything was normal again. The french boy was shaking me his hands still on my shoulders. "Are you okay?" His accent thick. I spaced out for a second and looked him in the eyes. This was the first time someone had actually spoke to me in a while. It worried me that it could just be me making it up in my head. "Hey are you okay? you are crying." His accented voice spoke out to me again.
"Um yeah, I'm okay I Um." I rushed to get my words out, hurriedly wiping the hot tears from my face before licking my lips and looking back up again. His look of concern still threaded his features, his hands lifted from my shoulders giving me the space to move back to my original spot in the booth. "Really, I am fine but I should probably leave, I don't want to cause you any worry." I reasoned trying to move forward indicating that I wanted him to move so I can get out of the booth. Every time I look back up at him I realize every last feature of his that I had memorized, its the boy in my head. But he isn't in my head. He, he is here. "I promise you won't cause any trouble, I just want to help you." He spoke seriously. "You don't know that, you don't know me. I've caused enough trouble as it is." I shot back at the (very attractive somewhat) stranger. "Well why don't you talk to me about it my shift ends in-" he looked to the clock and back at me "Five minutes" he finished. "Stay here." He said sternly as if I'd disappear before he left to walk behind the counter again. What could he possibly know about me and why is he trying to talk to me about it.

What Am I getting myself into?

A/N: sorry this first chapter was so short I promise I will make up for it.

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