How? Why?

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I got paged trauma. "What do we got?"

"Male, 50, hit by a truck , probably a brain bleed and an intern bleed" Amelia said without double thinking who she paged.

"Really? Do I have to be on this case!?" I say when I walk away. I walk in the closest on-call room to find Jo on top of Alex naked.

"Great.." I walk into a supply closet and sit down. I pull my legs to my chest and cry it out.

"Mer.." I hear Maggie. I turn around and see her standing there, adjusting her shirt and hair and see somebody run out. Great, I think to myself. She crouches next to me but I stand up.

"No! I can do this on my own, if not I'll ask for help! The only help that I need is Derek's help and I'll never ever get his help! Because he's gone and I can't do any shit about it! So leave me alone I can do this on my own!" Before she could say anything we got both paged. "911 ano"
"Same, let's go"

We run trough the hallways and we meet everyone of the hospital crowded by the stairs. I couldn't see what's was going on. "Everyone! The president of the United States is going to visit our hospital," great him again. "I know we have people here that doesn't really like him that much because of a death of one of our own, but he is going to watch some of your surgeries and how you work. Please don't assault him. Everyone get to work now, he'll be here soon."  Everyone walks away, and so did I. I got paged into the ER, for a kid with complains from his stomach. "Hi, my name is Dr.Grey!! What's yours?" I said in caring tone. I did care, but today wasn't my day. Then guess who stood behind me. The president.

"Jammy and I'm" he shows with his fingers that's he's 5.

"Okay Jammy, is it okay if I can touch your belly for a second? You have to say where it hurts?"

" you know where my mommy is?"

"Yes she is gonna fill out some papers and then she'll be back, okay?" I press softly on his stomach and he wince in pain above his appendix. "Okay Jammy, we are going to get your mommy and we'll see what we can do." I walk to the nurses station and gave them his chart. Once again he followed me.

"What does he have?"

"His appendix is infected, so we'll have to operate on him."

"Do you have any kids?"

"Yes I do"

"How many"




"Was he a doctor?"

"Can you please stop talking about my personal life? You came here to see about our skills the way we work and now you want to know about my kids and my husband WHO worked under your watch and DIED while going there! I have to raise my 3 kids alone without a father so please shut up about my personal life."

"Grey! I begged you to not offend him!"

"No it's okay, I know something for sure now. Dr.Grey can you follow me please?" I nod in confusion but follow him. "I'm going to show you something but it's not they're fault, neither it was mine but 1 of the doctors." He opens the door and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Sorry Cliffhanger,
I'm not dead I'm on vacation and I have no wifi so this is so irritating to do..
~Lizzie ❤️

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