Chapter 8:Worries

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**Joshua's POV**

"Chilly morning we have today huh?". I said to myself smbil menggeliat. Nasib sa apply 8 hari cuti jadi bolehh lagi rehat² hari ni di rumah hehehh. Time siok² sa ambil angin d balkoni, hnfon sa ringing. Uishh sapa pula call pagi² nii.

🎶Linkin park-in the end

I walked to the bed and took my phone from the bed. Then I looked at the phone screen.


Sheron?! Sheron vee is calling me?!!!!

"Hello". A sweet voice speak as i picked up the call. I was totally shocked this is for real?! Wahh like seriously sheron vee?

"Hello, Josh are you there?". Uhh she's speaks again, okk now i should talk

"He-hello ehemm hm sheronn?". I adjust my voice and say her name. Baa to making sure yg the voice is sheron's. Bikin malu seja kalau itu bukan dia hahahahaa.

"Heyy, yaah saya la ni. What's wrong with your voice? Are you sick?". Ahh it's her! My exschoolmate andd hehehehhhh crush lama 😏.

"Nahh, no there's nothing wrong about my voice hehehh, im just trying to fix my volume tone. Ehh kenapa call? Are you still at johor?. Bertubi-tubi tu soalan SPM sa tnya, sbb tekejut gila sy, berapa tahun suda gia tida dengar tu suara kiut2 hehehhh.

"Hahahahahaa, you ni aa haven't change at all. Umn Good news! im in sabah since sunday hehehh. So... Wanna meet up?sinang ba mau cerita klau depan2 heehhe". She's sound like she was having a good life in johor, bah laku kali bisnes dorg di Johor. Businesswoman berjaya suda kali dia ni, bangga juga la tida kena lupa. Hahaha

"Well still joshua ba saya, bahhh bulihh ba lagi pun im off today, ohh ya btw i thought you change your number oh. 3 tahun suda tida contact kan.. If i know you still guna this number mungkin kita stay in touch juga smpai skrg,can know each other pnya prkembangan". I asked her again, betul serius mngkn mmg kmi will always keep in touch juga ni klau dia masi guna no fon dia bah mau tau juga ba kwn lama pnya perkembangan.

"Eihh you know juga ba my perkembangan at fb and ig hahaha, ihhh henfon lama ni josh, sa ksih tinggal di kg.. Sa kasi pigang sama si nenek ba. Nasib juga la masi ada number kau di dlm". Ohh patutlaa nasib sa tida call dia guna tu nmber dlu tme mau wish birthday dia. Thanks to fb messenger te wish juga sa birthday sma si sheron.

"Ohh hahahaa begitu pula, bahh mana mau jumpa?". Sy ni mmg tida pndai set place ni klau mau jumpa org, apa lagi klau jumpa sumandak. Tp klau sama si Aera lain pula, sy pun hairan.. Mungkin sa nampak dia bukn macam sumandak kali HAHAHHAHA (kana tempiling kau oleh si aera 😒)

"Tmpt biasa?" She answered me short

"Okk set" sy bilang.

"See you at 1 o'clock then!. K lahh got work to do, bye Joshua Bradley George!". Tukeii terus full name. Well she know me since hghschool 😊

"Hehehh, see you later Sheron vee Anding!". I said to her. What? of course i know her fullname too 😉

*Hard n Rock cafe - 12.45pm

Joshua yg deluan sampai di tempat biasa dorg melepak,debilajg biar lelaki yg deluan sampai baru la gentleman. Upon entering the cafe, He took a seat at the corner of the cafe, that was exactly their favourite spot everytime they meet. Sambil tu jantungg pun bedebar debar suda sbb lama suda gia durg tida bjumpa, kali terakhir durang bejumpa pun 3 thn lalu tme si sheron pigi Kestau si josh yg dia mau ikut bapa dia pigi johor. Sebab boring menunggu, last2 si Josh kasi kluar hnfon, mau smbung main mobile legend dia yg 1 mnggu suda tida kana main.

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