Express Your #Stop Bullying

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Dear Bullies,

Today is another day, you wake up smiling because you succeeded yesterday in making another victim feel inferior. Yet, do you want to know what is different about today; today, I will stand up for myself, for him, and, her and them.

Do you know what had happened to that boy you punched whilst he was doing his homework in the library? Last night he committed suicide, and what are you doing, you are laughing.

What about the girl you just called fat? Well, she is starving herself to death as you eat cakes and sweets like a pig.

The old man you made fun of, because of the scars imprinted all over his distort face, fought in the war for your life and this country.

There is also the girl you called ugly. She is spending hours every day to put makeup on, hoping people would like her. That guy you just laughed at for crying is crying because his mother is dying.

All I ask of you is one thing, instead of taking a life, save one. Is it really that hard?

Kind regards,

-Sister of the boy who committed suicide

-Best friend of the girl who is starving to death

-Daughter of the man who fought in the war

-Cousin of the boy you laughed at for crying

-I am the girl you called ugly

95% of you won't put this on your profile. If you are aginst bullying, be that 5% and post this on your profile

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