Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

After several minutes, Loki and Elisabete hurried to make themselves look presentable. As they both went to exit, they spotted Tadeus in the hallway staring at them with his lips pursed together. She could tell he was on the brink of tears, something he rarely did. Elisabete opened her mouth to speak but as she did Tadeus stormed off down the hallway. She went to go after but Loki gripped her arm and held in her place.

"You have to let him adjust to this new lifestyle. He needs to adjust on his own time." Loki told her.

Elisabete nodded her head and Loki released his grip. He kissed her cheek and noticed the tears falling down her cheeks. He exhaled sharply as he wiped her tears away with his finger and grinned as she looked up at him.

"Don't cry. No one deserves your tears and you don't deserve to cry for anyone." Loki told her.

"But he's my brother and I want him to be happy with the life I'm giving him. I've worked my whole life to keep my family happy and now that we have everything at our fingertips here, he can't be happy and I-"

Loki hushed her and wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his chest. He kissed her head and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. She pulled back and wiped her eyes.

"Are you ready for the class? Do you want me to walk you there?" Loki asked.

"No, I can go by myself. Thank you." Elisabete replied softly.

"I shall see you at dinner tonight then." Loki smiled.

He kissed her cheek and the two parted ways. Elisabete made her way to the class yet got a little lost along the way but managed to find it. She opened the door to find Ugo standing in front of all the students at their easels. She felt her nerves get the best of her as all the students turned to look at her. It was silent as she made her way to the empty easel next to Fairuza. Ugo glared at her and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Lady Elisabete...where were you? We were waiting for you to start the class." Ugo inquired.

"Um..." Elisabete trailed off, trying to think of answer.

"Yes?" Ugo snapped.

"Some things came up with the king that I had to deal with." Elisabete replied.

Ugo exhaled sharply, knowing he could not yell at her for her lateness since it would surely be told to Loki and he would be the one getting yelled at instead. And he couldn't pry about it because he knew exactly what business she had dealt with with him.

"Alright. Take your seat and listen." Ugo told her.

Elisabete smiled weakly as she bowed her head at Ugo and took her seat next to Fairuza. She took the brush in hand and as Ugo began his lesson, Elisabete realized Fairuza had lied to her. It had not been a beginner's class but for students who were advanced. She looked over at Fairuza to see her giggling and smiling as if nothing were wrong. For a few moments, Elisabete watched as Fairuza painted on the canvas, copying the image in front of the room that Ugo instructed them to draw. He walked around the room observing everyone's work.

"Go on, lady Elisabete. You know how to do it." Fairuza whispered.

"I do not." Elisabete confessed softly.

"You don't? But all ladies in the court have been trained to." Fairuza told her as she furrowed her brow, knowing full-well Elisabete's backstory since Loki told her mother.

"I never learned." Elisabete said.

"Don't worry. Ugo offers private classes. Maybe that can help and you two can get to know one another better." Fairuza spoke, not once looking at Elisabete as she raised her brow and smirked slightly.

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