Notice me Shadow XD

10 0 7

Irayuki: Hey guys!
Irayuki here with Aica - san!
Say hi Aica!

Aica: hey.

Aica was wearing her normal pink and violet striped shirt at the middle along with a violet jacket,

Irayuki: always been the quiet type eh?

Aica: *nods*

Irayuki: Anyways, let's begin!
The first question was from KawaiiSodapop!

(Ma'h friend -w-)/

Aica: *silently chuckles* *whispers* adorably innocent yet deadly...

Irayuki: *turns away from the paper and directly looks at Aica* Whatwasthat?

Aica: nothin'. Continue pls *chuckles*

Irayuki: okkkk~ let's just get this over with! *reads silently*...

Aica: *eyes glows radient blue and looks into the paper without moving closer to Irayuki* *whispers* now that's what I call a dramatic fangirl

Irayuki: *death glares Aica while her mouth and eyes filled with black blood as her eyes turned radient dark pink and red*

Aica: I didn't mean her 'k? *smirks slightly not even flinching from Irayuki's glare*

Irayuki: be careful of what you say hun, or I have Amili cut off your throat and organs.

(Despite your immortality)

Aica: *rolls eyes* ok, 'k

Irayuki: *quiet sigh* ok, on with it.

*secs later*


And just like that, a purple black fox, came into the room.

She's wearing a purple sweater with a golden necklace, a dark violet skirt, along with black shorts with light diagonal purple stripes, purple wavy hair that hides her left eye (slightly almost covered her right eye) magenta eyes, Black boots with a criss-cross design at the front, along with a violet batch with the letter 'V' at the side of her boots.

Violet: *crosses arms* What is it?

Irayuki: We have... A little dare for you...

Violet: really? *sighs sarcastically as her hand covered her whole left eye*

Irayuki: Don't worry this will only last for a sec =)

Violet: *glares at Irayuki's 'smile'*

Irayuki: and that's not all!

Then half a minute later, chaos energy was blasted at the middle of the room while the smoke filled half filled the place.

Then a black, red striped hedgehog appeared from the smoke

Irayuki: Heya' Shad! *waves*

Shadow: *growls and crosses arms looking at Irayuki* *left eye twitches* Is that what you will be calling me from now on?

Irayuki: not really but it'll be your 'nickname' =)

Shadow: *flinches slightly from her 'smile'* Whatever...

Violet: *smells shadow's fur* (thinking: he... Smells so.. Fresh and minty...) *sniffs and smells more of Shadow's fur*

Shadow: *notices Violet* W-What the-- Violet what the ****?!

Violet: *snaps into reality* H-huh?! Wait... Did you just--

Irayuki: *Throws hands in the air* HEY! NO SWEARIN' GUYS!

Violet and Shadow: Thanks to her/him!

Aica: *covers whole right side face, sighing and chuckling softly*

Irayuki: yeesh *sweatdrops*

Shadow: Why we're you sniffing!? Do I smell or something!?

Violets: *blushes brightly* N-NO! YOU DON'T SMELL AT A-ALL I****!

Irayuki: I TOLD YOU NO SWEARING!! *Sends a frying pan and tosses it towards Violet*

Violet: *dodges but got hit by the shoulder* HEY!

Shadow: Ha! Violet what a wimp *smirks*


Irayuki: Welp, at least they didn't swear -v- b *thumbs up*

Aica: *quietly snickering by the show, watching Shadow and Violet argue*

Shadow: --SAME FOR YOU LITTLE ****


Shadow: OH YEAH!? CHAOS,  SPEAR! *Sends chaos spears aimlessly at Violet around the room*

Violet: *Runs on the walls, dodging the attacks*

Aica: *creates a light pink force field around her, for not getting herself wounded and snickers maniacly watching Shadow and Violet fight as she claps*

Irayuki: *Gots hit by Shadow's chaos spears multiple times, getting bleeded and lots of wound on her whole body but too lazy to defend herself and lets herself fall to ground...

Clapping and smiling...

Not feeling any pain even tho wounded and bleeding*

*15 mins layer*

Irayuki: *Still bleeding but is being treated by Aica* You guys done fighting yet?

Aica: *wraps bandages over Irayuki's arm, feeling a little bored*

Shadow and Violet: *panting heavily, lots of wounds on their bodies*

Irayuki: I guess you both are,

Here you go Soda-chan--

Aica: *bursts snickering, fingers flinching and couldn't concentrate*

Irayuki: *sighs, trying hard not to laugh as well* A-anyway guys-- pff- hehe--

Thanks guys for reading today's QandA!

I hope you enjoyed it!

(As well as the fight scene XD)

But if you did enjoyed it, comment and tell us/me what you think, and click/tap on the vote button!

Again, I hope you enjoy this, and take care guys! •v•

*waves and smiles as if the pain doesn't bother while Aica still wrapping bandages on my arm, snickering...*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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