How the Vacktors came to be part 2

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Light blue.

He must be suffocating.

He cried because he must be having trouble breathing.

She needed to do something.

She quickly raced to plug him up monitor and was about to hook him up to an oxygen machine so he could breathe when she heard the monitor amplify the sounds of inhaling and exhaling.

He was breathing alright.

So then why was he blue?

Perhaps it was a short term effect from the dye in the liquid? Perhaps he previously was having trouble breathing and his skin would go back to normal shortly. Maybe he was sick? The monitors didn't seem to show any virus or bacteria inside of him. Maybe he was going to stay blue. It could be a mutation like how the other two babies have gills and a tail. Speaking of gills and tails. Did he have? Oh yes. Yes he did. A dark blue tail hanging from behind him. She was beginning to sense a pattern. A pattern she did not like.

The thought of her son "Blue" and what his life would be like was even worse than what Michael or "Orange" would go through. His skin was blue. He wouldn't be able to hide this mutation like the other two would. People would probably bully him or think he's some sort of monster. And wasn't he? He was made using fish and dinosaur DNA not to mention various chemicals. There was a very real possibility that one of the kids may develop superpowers. He was a monster and it was all her fault. The chemicals itself weren't dangerous but adding and mixing them together and with human DNA could greatly corrupt a person's body. And that's what she had done to him.

Out of frustration she clinched her fist and yelled. "I've worked so hard on this!" Why is she talking to herself? "I can't fail now!" Seriously this girl needs to stop talking to herself. People are going to lock her up in the nut house, but that's what she was right? A crazy person? I mean seriously who lies to her coworkers and creates children in a laboratory using dinosaur DNA? No one. No one does that. That is not a thing that sane people do.

She briefly set "Blue" down with his siblings and went back to "Green." She picked him up and noticed that he do was not normal. He like his brother "Blue" had an unusual skin color. His skin was green along with his eyes hair and tail. She set "Green" down along with the others and preceding on to "Purple."

When she got to this chamber. She wasn't even surprised to see that he had purple hair, eyes, skin, and a dark purple tail. She was a bit surprised that "Purple" was a boy given that it was usually seen as a girls color. Though he was dark Purple which isn't always perceived as a girls color. And she really hoped at least one of the babies would be female. Having a daughter would be fun. She'd be able to take her shopping, teach her how to do her nails, and of course how to be better at boys then everything.

The next one was "Pink" she let the baby out and smiled upon seeing that Pink was a girl despite having a tail like the other kids. Nothing could ruin her good mood at seeing a daughter.

She was even more excited at seeing that "Magenta" was also a girl. Two daughters at least. Although she had still yet to see "Gray" and see if "Orange" was one as well.

Upon seeing all the children she decided to nickname Michael "Red"

She was about to set "Gray" down when she heard someone coming. She quickly rolled the crib with the babies out of the laboratory and started running down the other hall. She'd bring the babies to her parents house and hope that they'd accept their grandchildren and help her raise/watch them.

And those were her children "Red", Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Magenta, and Gray.

A small paw stepped in the lab and made a meow sound. Oh it must have been Dr. Let's cat looking for a lab rat to catch. Haha see readers you were worried about absolutely nothing. Just a harmless tabby cat looking for a late night

Oh no

Is that a te?

What was that?



Miss Vactor was currently in her van driving away from the lab trying to process everything that had happened today. It was a lot to take in. One she became a mother. Two her kids were hybrid like creatures.

Of course some things concerned her.

1. Someone may have entered her lab. Luckily she got all the real evidence out!

2. Her children and their appearances

3. The other DNA samples that are inside their tiny bodies and rather they'd ever take affect

4. And what would happen if her collages ever found out

(More Vacktors may come if Red adds more)

(Orange I'm probably going to make a boy) (As for Gray I don't if Gray is a boy or a girl since Red never said anything about that, but if not I'll probably make Gray a girl to even it out a bit)

(Also I'll do some character POV chapters later)

(Can you add tags to your story as you go? Since I'm planning on eventually adding other characters/people)

(Also what was that thing that was in the lab? Not the first thing. The first thing was a cat, but the second thing) (I mean did you hear the third person narrator scream? That doesn't sound good)

(Also sorry there isn't much talking I'm just trying to get the whole thing set up)

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