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     The muffled voices scream through my already pounding head. Nothing to see, nothing to taste just them voices. Frantic, that's what they are. The panic leaking through their tone reveals thier true thoughts. My eyes flutter and I'm blinded by the light. The blur of white contrasting to my black lids. There's nothing important to see. My vision clears slightly and I see faces, I see the faces of the voices, the panicked sounds. Them faces, I recognise one. The others are complete strangers yet they seem so worried. Why would anyone be worried about me? I'm pathetic, a loser. Well that's what they tell me and to be honest I'm starting to believe them. The sound of squeaking wheels pierce through my mind like a knife, the pain engulfing me. The soft rush of warm sterile air fans across my face. My eyes blink shut but don't open again as I welcome the darkness and my vision goes blank. 

Tears fall, as do I.Where stories live. Discover now